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I wondered at the reaction. Everyone must respect him a lot . . . or was he a bully? But no, he didn’t feel like one. Though, according to Millie, her friend Jill had thought the same thing about her previous boyfriend.

I squared my shoulders, telling myself not to let my mind wander too much. This girl wasn’t going to get to me or start putting doubts in my head, not when I was having such a good time.

“You okay?” Bruno asked.

“I’m fine. She can’t get to me that easily.”

“Glad to hear.”

This time his voice sounded like he was purring, and I liked it. I put a hand on his cheek, and he leaned into my palm, closing his eyes and clearly enjoying the sensation.

My stomach grumbled, and I let go of his face, but before I could pick up my fork again, he took my hand and planted a kiss on the back of it. Blushing, I turned back to my meal and devoured every last bite while we talked about our favorite things to do. I chided myself again for pretending to be Millie. For once in my life, I regretted switching roles with her.


“You went on a second date already?” Millie asked, and not for the first time. I was too busy running my date with Bruno through my mind again, reliving every detail I could.

“I know, I don’t know what’s going on,” I said. “He called me up to invite me out, and I said yes. I didn’t even think!”

“That’s very unlike you.”

“I know! What is going on, Millie?”

Her face grew soft. “I think you’re in love.”

I gasped. No, no, no! I hadn’t even figured out my own life yet. Witches, ghosts, and magic. What in the world would Bruno make of all of that if he found out? He’d dump me, that’s what he would do. He’d think I was the crazy one and that I should go hang out with Suzy.

“What’s so bad about being in love?” Millie asked.

“It’s just not good, okay?” Not good at all. And yet, my heart was breaking at the thought of never seeing Bruno again.


“I don’t want to talk about it. What’s even weirder is he drove me back to his hometown, and we went to this place called Rosey’s?—”

“Diner! Jacob took me there too.”

“Well, there was this girl?—”

“Called Suzy,” Millie interjected again excitedly.

I stared at her. “Are you going to let me tell my story or keep interrupting me?”

“Sorry.” She took her finger and made a line across her lips, sealing them shut.

“Right, where was I? She was our server and kept coming back every two minutes and staring at me while she asked us some off-the-cuff questions. At one point, she asked if I liked to go dancing, and I said I did before realizing I was supposed to be you. So, you now like dancing. He finally told her to go away and that he would ask for her if we needed her. She had some chip on her shoulder because she gave him a scowl before stomping off. It was the weirdest thing.”

“Lira, who is this boy you like?”

“I told you I’m not telling you.”

“I need to know. Would his last name happen to be McCullough?”

How would she know that name? “How do you know? You’re not seeing him, too, are you?”

“Not him in particular, I hope, but Jacob’s last name is McCullough.”

Thank goodness for that. “His name isn’t Jacob, so there’s that, but it looks like we’re dating men who are related because he told me he has a brother called Jacob.”
