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“Bruno, he . . .” She wrung her hands together and blurted, “He shifted! One moment he was a human, the next he was a wolf! And then Jacob shifted, too, and then there were two wolves attacking each other.”

I could only stare as if from a distance at Millie’s mouth moving. I felt like I was in a dream as thoughts started running through my mind. Bruno isn’t human? He has powers and can shift? He’s been pretending to be someone else?

But then Millie said, “There was blood everywhere. I couldn’t stop screaming. They were both hurt so badly, but before it could get worse, their brothers arrived and pulled them apart.”

I stopped breathing altogether. That’s why Bruno hadn’t contacted me. He was hurt, and not just a little; it sounded like it was a full-on attack between two ferocious animals.

“That’s a lot worse than I thought,” Jill said.

“Me too,” Becca said.

Their voices sounded far away. These thoughts went round and round in my head, but I kept coming back to the fact that Bruno could shift from human to a wolf and then back again. I was having a hard time solidifying this concept in my mind. This meant this new world of mine was truer than I wanted it to be—that I might have to accept who I was. I felt like puking, and was it just me, or was it getting hot and hard to breathe in here?

“Lira,” Millie said. She took my hand in hers and started rubbing it. “I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s probably all just my imagination.”

“It’s not your imagination,” Jill said.

We both turned and saw how serious and worried Jill and Becca looked. “What do you mean?” Millie said. “How could any of it be real? People don’t turn into wolves . . . do they?”

The slight nod from Jill and Becca had Millie jumping from the sofa and running to her room. The first thought I had was that Millie was now part of this new world and I needed to protect her from it. But how?

I went after her and closed the door behind us, and we both slumped to the floor, the door at our backs.

“What is going on, Millie?” I whispered.

“I don’t know.”

“Did you really see what you said you did?”

“Yes. It’s very vivid in my memory.”

“You weren’t hallucinating or had a really bad dream?” I pushed.

“I wish.”

“And Jill and Becca are really there in your living room right now?”

“They sure are.”

I let out a whimper and put my arm around her. “I really thought he was the one,” I said.

“I did too,” she whispered.

A storm was brewing inside of me. I couldn’t be mad at Bruno for not telling me he was a shifter. I was a witch, and I hadn’t told him that either. I hadn’t even told him I was a twin! Maybe that was a sign we weren’t meant to be together. We were two separate species who thought we had a connection, but really, we were worlds apart.

The vision I’d been having flashed through my mind—of him standing and holding someone’s hand, but this time there was fog approaching him. I didn’t know what it meant or what it portrayed. But fear rushed through me at the sight of it.

I shook my head and decided enough was enough. I was not going to deal with this right now. I needed to sort myself out before I allowed a guy into my life. And if Bruno was who Millie said he was, he also didn’t need me in his life.

I said the one thing that would throw Millie off. “At least we didn’t date the same guy, that would be weird.”

She turned to face me, her mouth agape. “That’s what you’re relieved about?”

“I’m not sure what to make of your story.” I stood, my mind now made up. Going to the closet, I pulled out my suitcase. “I think I’m going to go traveling again; maybe see where Mom and Dad are and join them for a bit. It’ll be good to get away.” Although, what I really needed to do was figure out what this vision was about and why Bruno was in it.

Millie gasped. “You’re really leaving? Just like that?”

I looked her in the eyes. “Yes.” I opened the door, said goodbye to Jill and Becca, and left.
