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“Charli, can you tell me if Bruno is okay?”

“You can do it yourself, Lira.”

“I can?”

“He’s in your vision, and you clearly have a connection to him. All you have to do is calm yourself down.”

I sighed. It always came back to me being calm, something that wasn’t in my nature. “But this is an emergency, and I need to know now.”

“Why?” Charli turned to look me in the eyes. “Did something happen?”

“He and his brother got in a really bad fight. He’s hurt and hasn’t recovered yet. I’m really worried.”

Charli stared at me for a bit longer, to the point that I started contemplating other ways of finding out how Bruno was doing. But I couldn’t call Millie; I’d just walked out on her. And I didn’t know Jill or Becca’s numbers. I slapped my hand on my face at the realization I’d also walked out on them.

Charli’s voice cut through my panicked thoughts. “I’ll help you.”

I turned around and flung myself at Charli, remembering too late that instead of hugging her, I would slam into the floor instead. Picking myself up, I rubbed my bruised arm and faced Charli. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

She gave me a stilted nod. “Give me five minutes while I connect with Miti.”

“Thank you, Charli. I really mean it,” I pressed.

She eyed me. “For this, I’m expecting you to make me a chocolate cake. I haven’t smelled one in ages.”

“Of course.” Please just tell me Bruno is okay.

She dissipated, and I waited. And waited. I fell asleep by the fire, and when I woke up, a roast beef dinner was next to me. I shot up to see Charli appear in front of me.

“You were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you,” she said.

“I wish you had. How is Bruno?”

“He is as well as he can be.”

“What does that mean?”

“As a wolf shifter, he has the ability to heal at light speed compared to humans, but his whole family was poisoned, and he is one of the unfortunate ones that has been hit the hardest. He is taking longer than normal to heal.”

“Oh my goodness.” I jumped off the sofa, only to crumple to the floor. My legs were filled with pins and needles.

“No need to run off. He’s in good hands with Miti. He will recover.” Charli was silent for a moment. She floated down so that we were eye level. “The coven meeting I had mentioned—you must attend it.”

“Why? I . . . I don’t think I’m ready.”

“You must. You have to learn about your new world. Miti insists.”

Somehow, I knew that whatever Miti said was it. No one questioned her. I didn’t know what to say.

“There is something big coming. I advise you to accept that you’re a witch sooner rather than later. Your trust in your abilities will help everyone.”

I snorted. “That’s quite ominous and a bit farfetched, Charli. I’m not known to be reliable.”

“I disagree, but I’m not here to argue with you about that right now. I suggest you start this journey by meeting a fellow witch your own age. Trixie is a local witch and will be a great companion on this journey.”

Neither one of us said anything more, but Charli stared at me in the way she did so well. She’d had decades of practice being bored and silent, and I knew she could hold this pose forever if needed. It had its intended effect, and I squirmed and agreed that it was time I met a fellow witch my own age.

