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“You showed promise, but so did my daughter. Your mom wanted to keep you safe. She thought that if you never knew, you wouldn’t have to go through the pain of never realizing your powers like she did.”

Oh. That made complete sense. My heart ached for Mom. “But instead . . . ?”

Grandma nodded. “Instead, you’ve received more power than our family has seen since Charli, and now have no idea what to do with it. I am sorry, my dear girl.”

“My turn! My turn!” the other ghost said, moving Grandma out of the way. “Lira, it is so good to finally meet you. I am Loralie, your great-grandmother.”

I gasped. “It’s so good to meet you.”

“We do not have a lot of time right now,” Grandma said, now moving Loralie out of the way. “We are able to talk to you only because Charli is connecting us, but she can only do so much. The other spirits”—she waved to the ones behind her—“are not able to channel through this connection but have much to share with you through your visions. It is time you saw the full vision.”

The other ghosts nodded.

“I’m ready.” Holding on to Bruno’s hand, I steeled myself for whatever was going to happen.

“Just close your eyes,” Loralie said.

A soft breeze blew across my face, and I was brought back to the scene of Bruno standing next to me in front of the mist. This time, I looked to my left and my right and saw the other spirits were with me. One of the older ones floated to my side and pointed to our right. A man appeared there, hunched over and with eyes of malice. By his side were droves of wolves and witches. They gave off an aura of discontent, a nervous energy that had me gripping Bruno’s hand tighter.

Another ghost floated up and pointed to our left. Through there I saw Miti, a wave of wolves and witches also by her side. They appeared just as mad and focused as the other group was. They were armies! Both armies were facing each other, claws out and ready for a fight. I could feel the string being pulled tighter and tighter between the two armies, and I knew deep down there would be no winners in this war. We would all suffer.

A third ghost came over, and as her hand opened in front of me, a flower blossomed. It was just as Mod had described—a white lotus flower. She gestured for me to take it, so I did. As soon as I touched it, it glowed a bright gold and imprinted itself on the inside of my hand. The ghost took my hand and pressed my palm to my heart, and I felt the imprint leave my hand and press itself to my heart.

I gasped and dropped my hand to Bruno’s arm, clinging to him as I tried to catch my breath. What had just happened?

But we weren’t done yet. All six spirits came up to me, and I felt a jolt every time one of them touched my heart. They then went to Bruno and did the same. Then the vision faded away, and I found myself back in the grove.

The spirits bowed to me and slowly retreated, leaving Charli, Bruno, and me standing in the backyard, staring at the back of the house.

“What just happened?” I whispered.

“They gave you a gift,” Charli said. “Both of you.”

“There really is going to be a war, isn’t there?” I said.

“Yes,” Bruno said. “A big one, and it’s coming soon.”

“And I have a part in it?” I said.

“Both of you do, together,” Charli said. “I did not want to worry you before you were ready, but now you know. You have been chosen to be the bearer of this flower. It is not one that is easily obtained. Only the innocent who carry the intention to do good can receive this gift. Our family has guarded this flower for generations. The last time it was gifted, it was given to Bubbie.”

“My grandmother?” Bruno asked.

“Yes. She was destined for greatness, but her fated mate chose greed over love, forsaking everything they could have been. Now the flower is in your hands.”

“What if I don’t want this responsibility?” I said, the realization of what this all meant slowly sinking in.

Charli floated over and placed a hand on my face. “My dear girl, you are stronger than you think. You have everything you need.”

“What does this flower do?” Bruno asked.

“It can be used to make your pack strong. Stronger than anyone has ever dreamed of. Bubbie’s mate did this and tried to conquer others by force. But it can be used to defeat the ones who mean to do harm. It’s your choice how you use it.”

A heavy weight settled on my shoulders, and I leaned into Bruno, who let go of my hand and wrapped both his arms around me. I felt his voice next to my ear. “I’m always by your side, no matter what. You’ll always have me to lean on.”


“Bubbie, what’s wrong?” I asked, opening the door to let her in.
