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“This little town is mine now,” he said. “And maybe I’ll take this girl to be my mate. Which one are you—Millie or Lira? I heard all about you two and the little charade that played out between you and your mates. Fun little game to watch, but I have my own game I want to play now.” He turned his head quickly and yelled, “Finn!”

Finn came around the house, tugging Bubbie along by her arm. She had bruises forming on her face, and we all growled. Finn was going to rot in jail for this; death was too nice a gift for him. Luc sent another calming wave over us, but it didn’t work as well as before because he was charged up too. We needed Dad. Luc was too new to being alpha, but Dad was laid up upstairs. At least, I hoped he was.

“I have your precious grandmother,” Pac said. “I have to say, I give her a lot of credit. She put up quite a fight. But she has something that we learned is innate to only her. Something that will guarantee that all of you will be gone, and me and my pack will be here to stay forever.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Luc said.

I hadn’t taken my eyes off Lira this whole time. She wasn’t scared that Pac had her in his clutches, but I knew the sight of all these wolves was playing havoc on her mind. This was not how I wanted her to see us. I sent a thought to her: I’m right here, Lira. I’m coming for you. I had to. I promised her we would both come out of this alive.

But as Pac kept talking and mentioned Bubbie’s innate power, I noticed Lira’s features turn into grim determination. She was up to something. What are you thinking, Lira?

I have a plan, she returned. But I’ll need all my energy for it. Just be prepared to attack.

I sent a message to Luc about Lira, and I saw him nod. A message from him came through, telling all of us to wait.

Miti had come out at this point, with Jill and Becca in tow. They were all in the clutches of Pac’s minions. I could feel my brothers tense. Now it was the sentries who were holding us back.

Pac had leaned over to Bubbie and was having words with her.

Bubbie, to her credit, stared right at him and said, “I treated you like my own grandson, and this is how you repay me?”

“Your family betrayed me! They forgot about me as soon as the others were born. I was a nobody, only good as a soldier.”

“That’s not true, and you know it.”

“Do I? Look around you. I have an army bigger than yours because of what others think of your family. These are the ones you’ve humiliated and not shared your powers with or haven’t allowed them to be part of your pack because of the rules you hold. Your family thinks so highly of themselves that you’ve forgotten there are other packs out there.”

“And you’ve become greedy,” Bubbie said. “We always loved you, Pac. That never changed. What changed was you. You couldn’t stand the fact that you had to share the love with all your other siblings. You hated not being the center of attention anymore.”

“That’s not true!”

“Lira—” Bubbie said.

“Don’t talk to her!” Pac’s face was turning red.

“Remember what I told you,” Bubbie continued.

Pac reached his hand out to Finn. “Give me the device!”

Finn handed him what looked like a circular mirror. Pac took it and slammed it into Bubbie’s chest, but nothing happened. He slammed it against her chest again, this time making Bubbie’s knees buckle, and she fell to the ground.

Luc’s hold on us had gotten stronger as we watched this play out. He told us our mates were in danger, that we couldn’t charge just yet, but Bubbie was in pain, and even the sentries were getting restless. Sure enough, growls started emanating from not just us brothers, but from the pack as well.

Then we heard Bubbie laughing. “I don’t have the flower anymore. Whatever Esmi made for you to capture it from me is useless.”

“What do you mean?” Pac screamed.

“Because I have it now.”

We all turned to Lira. She was glowing. With all our attention on Bubbie, we hadn’t noticed her, and in Pac’s frantic desire to take Bubbie’s power, he had let go of Lira.

“I have the flower now, Pac,” Lira said, laughing. “I’m the one you’re after, but it’s too late for you. I’ve already called in the reinforcements.”

“What reinforcements? I know for a fact that all of you are here. We stopped the other pack that was to join the McCullough’s before they even left their own border.” He laughed a sickly laugh.

But Lira shook her head. “I’m talking about reinforcements you would have never imagined. Here they come now.”

I noticed her hands were shooting off small flames, and I smiled as she looked down and realized what was happening. It surprised her so much that the flames disappeared. But then her face became set, and I felt her determination through our bond. Flames appeared at her hands again, and this time they were stronger. She reached forward, and next thing I knew, Pac’s shirt was on fire. It was being taken over by small sparks, like ones you’d see starting a grill. I would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious.
