Page 50 of Damaged Gods

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Ariana appears upset. “It was and still is a terrible time. Nothing else matters more to the Constantines than bringing Phoebe home.”

I swallow the lump in my throat and say miserably, “I want to help. I’ve been thinking a lot about what Serena told me and, well, maybe I can secure some tickets to the island and do some digging.”

Ariana laughs softly, and the admiration in her eyes makes me feel good about myself.

“You are a good woman, Melissa. A strong one. To want to help bring two people together at the expense of your own happiness is a trait I admire.”

“My own happiness?” I laugh softly. “Apollo was never mine in the first place, Ariana, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. I guess he would make a good one and so why wouldn’t I want to help him?”

“I’m proud of you, Melissa.” The approval on her face warms my heart, and she turns to the window and sighs. “Perhaps you should change just in case. The outcome of your visit rests at the hands of three men.”


She grins. “Our family will resolve our differences one way or another. You must be prepared for the unexpected as well as the expected.”

She nods to the guard waiting by the door.

“Escort Melissa to her room. Wait there until she is called for.”

I’m surprised at the order, and she stands and reaches for my hand, pulling me in close and whispering, “I hope you get to stay, Melissa. We could use your help and, failing that, would delight in your company.”

She kisses me three times and steps back. “Prepare yourself and I’m sorry to say, the choice won’t rest with you. You must trust your brother to do the right thing, and if he is anything like you, he will.”

As I follow the guard to my room, I sense something has changed. The real reason I am here is being played out somewhere else on this island. I am both fearful and hopeful at the same time, and yet the only thing I can think about is Apollo and helping him find Phoebe.

One hour later and there’s a knock on my door and the guard says gruffly, “They are ready for you.”

I take a deep breath because I don’t have a clue what’s happening. Will I be leaving with Troy? I really hope not and as I follow the guard out into the brilliant sunshine, the tears well in my eyes when I see the concerned expression of my brother Troy as he waits on the terrace.

I run into his arms and sob, “I’m so sorry, Troy. Please forgive me.”

“Hush.” He strokes my hair and kisses my cheek, and it feels so good.

I pull back to look at him and he hisses, “Did they hurt you?”

“No. If anything, they’ve treated me as a guest. Nonna and Serena have been so kind, and Purity and Allegra treat me like a sister.”

“Then why are you sorry?”

“Because I went behind your back. I, well, I met someone and kept it secret.”

He pulls me down beside him at the table and fills my glass with lemonade and hands it to me.

“Tell me about him.”

Even the mention of Apollo makes me smile and I blurt out, “I love him.”

Troy doesn’t look convinced and says carefully, “What does he say?”

“That he loves me, too. That we are here to settle a disagreement between our families and when it’s over, he will come back to America with me.”

“Do you believe him?”

“Of course. I trust him. He’s well, he’s everything.”

I steady my voice and whisper, “He said he’ll come back for me.”

“He’s not here?”
