Page 11 of His Sweet Obsession

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He pulls Rhylie to his side, kissing her on the head. “It still shocks me sometimes at what I have. I wouldn't change it for the world. We may be crazy at times. Well, Mason’s crazy, but we have each other's back, and that's what family is, no matter the situation.”

“Hey, I resent that! I'm not crazy,” Mason says with a scowl on his face, giving his brother-in-law the middle finger.

“Yes, you are.” We all say, making us all laugh.

“Whatever. It's not my problem you all can't handle all this awesomeness.” He waves his hand around his body, making me snort.

Rhylie has a disgusted look on her face. “How are we even related?”

He goes to open his mouth, but before he can say anything, Faith stops him by holding up her hand. “Don't even start on your sister, Mason, unless you want to be sleeping on the couch for a week. You're still in the doghouse for hiding all the coffee on us.”

He chuckles and from the death glare from all the girls, he's close to being buried in the backyard. These women don't play around when it comes to coffee. “I told you it wasn't me, that it was the kids.” He tries to go for innocent, but none of us believe that shit for a second.

“Sure it was. You who can't help but play a prank. I'm sure it was you who came up with the idea but made the kids do your dirty work.” Victor says, looking right at Mason.

“I'm also pretty sure you didn't learn your lesson and didn’t bribe them with something good.” Skylar says, making the girls giggle. We've heard all about Mason and his pranks.

“Meaning, whoever we ask is going to be singing like a canary.” Damon says while rubbing his hands together in glee because he knows this will not end well.

“Fine, you don't believe me. Ask the kids. Here come Callum and Carson now.” Mason has a triumphant smile on his face, as if he has this in the bag.

My boys walk over to their momma, rubbing her belly. They are so infatuated that their sister is in there; they talk and read to her every chance they get. “Hey boys, I have something to ask you.” Kennedy says.

“Sure, momma,” Callum says while Carson nods his head, waiting.

“Who came up with the idea of hiding all the coffee?” I ask, trying not to laugh.

They both look at each other, shrugging their shoulders. “Uncle Mason.” They say, making Mason’s eyes bug out at being called out.

“Hey, we had a deal.” Mason’s pouting like a toddler right now, making us laugh.

They both turn to Mason, shrugging. “They had a better deal.” We all burst out laughing then.

“What did he promise to give you for it?” I ask. This should be good if they gave him up with no problems.

“He promised to take us to the store for a treat. But Aunt Rhylie, Aunt Faith and Uncle Lucas took us to the movies and asked that.” Callum says.

Carson nods his head in agreement. “Then Uncle Victor and Aunt Isabella gave us $50 each to tell them who it was. Aunt Skylar and Uncle Damon are helping us with a gift for our baby sister.”

“Can we go play now, momma?” They ask with hopeful looks on their face not caring in the slightest that they just threw Mason under the bus.

“Sure, go have fun with your cousins.” Kennedy says they give her a kiss before running off to go play.

“Mason, I don't get it?” Kennedy asks with genuine curiosity on her face.

He has a scowl on his face with his arms folded. “Get what?”

“How, after all these years, you still can't bribe the kids, right? I've heard all the stories from the girls, so I know them all and each one you lose.”

“One of these days I will have their loyalty and you all will see. Just wait for it.” He says with a pout, making us all laugh.

Faith pats his hand. “Sure, baby, one of these days.”

Everyone starts talking, bringing up past stories, making us laugh. I pull Kennedy into my lap, needing to hold her in my arms. I grab the throw blanket beside me, throwing it over her legs, placing a kiss on the back of her head. “Are you having a good time?” I place my hand on her belly, feeling my princess kick.

“I am. Being surrounded by my family is the best feeling. Now just to wait for this little one to arrive in two weeks and our family will be complete. I..” She stops mid-sentence, tensing her body, and I feel my pants getting really wet.

“Kennedy, did you pee on me?” Stupid question I know, but that is the first thing that came to mind.
