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Xeva smiled. “I think I am. Technically, my contract is over since I died, and I did it in front of witnesses.”

Ysma cocked her head. “How was it?”

“It hurt, and then it didn’t, and then I was back and breathing with my chest on fire.” Xeva smiled as an appetizer was set down.

Ysma frowned. “We didn’t order an appetizer.”

The server paused. “Defender Yukaro ordered it.”

Xeva paused and then smiled. “Is he here?”

“Defender Jeron said to check your com.”

Xeva checked her com and grinned at the message saying that another island defender was there, and he said he knew Horseman. He was going to be joining them for lunch and had sent an order ahead.

Xeva was laughing internally. Yukaro was black with green-blue hair and silver eyes. Unfortunately, he was also Sethir-trained because he was an alpha class of active. There was no way he could know that Xeva was having lunch with an omega and less of an idea that Ysma was an accumulator.

She had noticed in Aksalla that there was a sudden cluster of pairings in the active population. Something was driving a population boost in the world, and seers were steering people around until they collided.

Ysma reached out, and her eyes flickered as she took a bite of the item. She smiled. “Not drugged or poisoned.”

The server was startled and said, “I will get you more drinks.”

Xeva took one of the items and nibbled at it. “It’s good.”

Ysma smiled. “Sorry, but the few times I got away from Zella, she doped me so she could take me over again.”

“Well, she isn’t here.”

“Not yet. She will be here in three days.” Ysma ate some more. “I have shit to do before then.”

Jeron returned and wasn’t alone. Yukaro was standing next to him. Xeva smiled. “Hey, Yukaro. This is my blood sibling Ysma. Ysma, this is Defender Yukaro.”

Ysma turned, and when she saw Yukaro, she started coughing.

Xeva giggled and met Jeron’s gaze. He was confused. She shrugged. “Please join us. How did you run into Yukaro?”

Yukaro took the seat next to Ysma and carefully kept to herself. Xeva reached out and grabbed her hand. Ysma stiffened and looked at her in shock. Xeva winked. “There is always room for another Horseman.”

Ysma’s new marks on her face flickered like she was shorting out.

Yukaro turned to her. “Are you all right? Do you need help?”

“I am fine. Xeva just did something I asked her not to do.”

Xeva blinked and looked guilty. “You are right. I am so sorry. I don’t know why I did that.”

“I do. You wanted to,” she mumbled, sipping at her fruit and fizz cocktail.

Xeva was upset. Just because she had wanted to spur Ysma into a reaction, she had forced the connection between them. “I fucked up. I am sorry. If I could undo it, I would.”

Ysma shrugged. “It’s like sex. By the time you regret it, it’s too late.”

Yukaro laughed. “Interesting saying.”

“Thank you. I don’t talk to people much, so I make up all kinds of stuff in my head.” She seemed to have remembered something. “Oh, thank you for sending the appetizers.”

“It was nothing. Jeron informed me that both of you are new to the islands.”
