Page 34 of Mystic Mate

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Waking up in Cullen’s arms, spooned against his warm, hard body after having been ravaged more than once the night before, was almost as good as writhing beneath him as he pounded into her. She was a little sore from the night before, but the feeling of well-being bordered on euphoria.

He nuzzled her neck, rumbling low in his throat. It was surprising how her body responded to that sound. It was as if sometime during the night, he’d installed a switch so that when he made that sound, her mind went into neutral and her libido went into overdrive. She’d meant to come to his room and have her way with him—once, just once. Even that had been ill-advised, but to remain with him the entire night while he had his way with her—and she knew for a fact that’s what it had been—repeatedly, was a monumental mistake she should be regretting. But she wasn’t.

“I wouldn’t like what you’re thinking right now, would I?” he rumbled.

“Hmm, probably when I was able to start thinking clearly without my mind all cloudy with lust. But as I lay here thinking, I realized that even though I should be berating myself for giving in to what I was feeling last night, I don’t regret a thing. How fragile is your ego?” she teased.

“Very,” he chuckled.

“In that case I’ll tell you what you already know. Last night was amazing, and far exceeded any and all erotic dreams I may or may not have had about you.”

“Ditto,” he chuckled again.

“I need to get back to my room, and I can already hear people milling about.”

“No one will say a word to you about your presence in my room. Trust me, had my warriors not known where my feelings about you lay, they would have been pressing their own suit to get you into their beds.”

She turned in his arms, smiling up at him and offering him her mouth, which he gallantly accepted as he kissed her deeply and reassuringly. “Surely you jest.”

“Not in this instance. The pack has known from the get-go that I desired you. Unless one of them was willing to challenge me as alpha, they would most definitely be hands-off. If you don’t think you are incredibly desirable, then I shall do all within my considerable power to change your mind. If you’re concerned about taking the walk of shame back to your room—although there is no shame involved—then allow me to go get your computer, and you can report in from here.”

“Perhaps you are presuming too much.”

“Am I?” he asked. “I don’t think so. You belong here with me. I’m willing to not press the point this morning, but that won’t last forever. Think about it while I go take a shower, unless, that is, you want everyone here at the manor to be able to detect your scent and know for sure where you spent your night and what you were doing.”

He rolled away from her and headed into the ensuite bath. The man was as gorgeous from the back as he was from the front. His shoulder blades and back were all sculpted muscle and led down to perhaps the most magnificent ass she’d ever seen. He strode away from her naked, not in the least concerned about the view he was offering. She could hear him start the shower and step in.

Making her mind up, she threw back the covers and walked into the bath. She could see him clearly through the glass as he stood under the rainfall showerhead as various body sprays shot hot streams of water toward him. He stood with his head bowed down and as she approached him, his head came up to regard her with the eyes of a predator. Slowly she placed her hand on the handle and swung open the glass door, stepping in.

“I’ve made a decision. I thought you should be the first to know. I don’t know diddly about being a part of a wolf pack, but I know I’ve never wanted anything more than I want to be with the alpha of this one,” she said as she reached out and stroked his back, tracing the lines her nails had left.

She loved the way she could feel soft around him and yet empowered. As he turned, his cock hardened as if it was a magnetic compass, and she was true north.

“Think about this, Salem. You have the day to decide. After that, I will never let you go.”

Her whole body trembled at the note of dominance and possessiveness she could hear in his words. “You know, that ought to really piss me off, but somehow it doesn’t. It just makes me feel all hot and gooey inside.”

His wolfish grin made her shiver. “I can tell you, sweetheart, you are all hot and gooey inside, and you taste like heaven.”

Salem could feel her whole body flush at the memory of Cullen kneeling between her legs and hooking her legs over his shoulders as he put his mouth on her, kissing her sex and licking her clit so that she’d gasped. She’d been wet and her body had been more than ready for him. He’d nuzzled her with his nose, inhaling her scent and growling low in his throat. And then he’d settled in to prove the bold claim he’d made the night before—he’d devoured her, his tongue spearing her in the same way his cock had earlier. He’d drawn out her honey, coating his tongue with it, before diving in again. She’d never particularly cared for oral sex, but being feasted on by Cullen had made her think she might have been wrong.

He picked up the large sea sponge, squeezed liquid soap all over it, and began to wash her body, his gentle hands washing her clean. There was a deep peace that came from leaning into his strength as he washed her. If he’d moved, she would have puddled at his feet. Her body felt as though it had no bones. She felt dainty and petite in his arms—something she’d never felt before. There was a vulnerability she’d never allowed herself to feel, but she knew she was safe in Cullen’s arms. He turned her around, tugging her head back so he could brush her lips with his.

His cock stirred and began to harden between them. “Don’t you ever get tired?”

“Not where you’re concerned, but I need to go down to breakfast. You can stay up here…”

“No. I’ll go get my things and move them and my computer in here… that is, if you have no objection.”

He grinned at her. “And here I was coming up with all the reasons it only made sense for you to do that.”

She laughed. She realized that she laughed more with Cullen than she ever had with anyone in her life—except maybe Dani, and they’d been friends since they were kids. Cullen went and got her things, hanging her clothes up in the closet beside his. Someone had gone to her cabin, and she pulled on her red sweater and tucked her jeans into her cowboy boots.

“Let me check my email. I sent my report about what we found back to the SPU before I joined you last night.” She frowned.

“What is it?” he asked.
