Page 101 of Knot Here for You

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Ford chuckles and presses a soft kiss to my neck. “Sorry, Pip, won’t happen again.”


At that moment, my phone rings. We all freeze, my heart suddenly thundering in my chest, like I just ran a fucking mile. Jackson, face a mask of calm, moves to my purse, grabs my phone and then answers it. My brows arch at his audacity. But he just grins, unconcerned.

“Sylvie Werth’s phone.” I didn’t think it was possible for my eyebrows to get any higher, and yet here they are practically in my hairline. The prime alpha of my pack smirks at me, all confident alpha energy, after giving me his last name.

“Oh, right. One moment. I’ll grab her.”

He hurries toward me, tapping at the screen of my phone until he slides it onto the island in front of me and presses into my side. Ford takes up residence on the other. When I look down, I see he’s put the call on speaker and the name across the top is Dr. Attersby’s name.

“Dr. Attersby, this is Sylvie.” I say, my voice sounding hoarse. This is it. The moment where we find out if it’s safe for me to go back to being a natural omega.

“Sylvie! I have wonderful news. I’m looking at your test result right now and everything looks perfect. Obviously, your omega hormones are low, but that’s to be expected given the length of time you’ve been on suppressants. They should return to normal levels as the medication leaves your system. Based on what I’m seeing here, there’s no reason you can’t stop the suppressants tonight.”

I swallow thickly, suddenly nervous as hell. Which is weird because all I have to do is not do anything. Just stop my medication. I should say something, thank her or fuck anything, but I find I can’t. Ford presses a kiss to my temple as Asher speaks.

“Dr. Attersby, this is Asher Werth, one of Sylvie’s alphas. You’re certain there will be no negative side effects if she’s no longer taking the medication? The last thing we want is for her to be in pain.”

There’s a pause on the other side of the line, like maybe she hadn’t realized she was on speakerphone, but she clears her throat and answers him. “The only reason she would feel pain is if you reject her again. If anything, this will help her feel even better, her body returning to its natural state. She’s been fighting against it for so long. However, I will schedule an appointment for the day after tomorrow for a checkup and another blood draw, just to be safe.”

Davis sighs. “Thank you, Dr. Attersby. We really appreciate that.”

She laughs. “No need to thank me, Davis.” My brows arch at the familiarity in her tone, though I suppose he was the one that found her for me, so they must have chatted at some point. “I’m just doing my job. Sylvie, are you going to start the process tonight?”

Five pairs of eyes land on me, intent on hearing my answer. I know what they want to hear, know that they are ready for me to be a full omega and to be theirs. They’ve been waiting for this for forever. But I know they won’t pressure me to give them what they want.

This is about me, my choice.

About what I want and what I’m comfortable with.

I breathe in through my nose and then breathe out, before saying as confidently as I can. “Yes, I am.”

Davis silently pumps his fist in the air while Topher grins at me. Ford nuzzles into my neck, kissing, nipping, biting and Asher mouths, “thank fuck,” at me. Jackson’s fingers tighten on my hip as his other hand reaches toward the phone.

“Thank you so much, Dr. Attersby. Send us the information about the appointment for the day after tomorrow. We’ll be there.”

She chuckles. “Will do.”

Jacks stabs his finger against the hang up icon. And then spins me on my stool, his hands coming up to cup my face. He kisses me, long and deep, his tongue sliding against mine. My arms wind around his neck, my legs around his hips and he lifts me, supporting my weight with his hands on my ass.

“Brave omega,” he murmurs against my lips. “Trusting us to take care of you, to not hurt you again. I think you deserve a reward for that.”

“A reward?” I ask as he slides my butt onto the counter.

“Mm.” Jackson pulls back, leaving me there. The rest of the pack is watching with hungry eyes. He slides his hands under my shirt, tugging it up and over my head, revealing my lacy bra underneath. Hungry groans sound all around the room.

“Topher made dinner,” I remind him. I don’t know why, other than that I don’t want the beta to think I don’t appreciate him.

“It’ll keep, baby,” he murmurs, and I look over my shoulder to find his chocolate eyes focused on me. “I’d rather watch Jackson eat you, make you gush slick all over our counter.”

“Fuck,” I whimper as our prime alpha presses a hand to the center of my chest and urges me to lie down. Ford helps guide me, his hands gentle, until I’m spread out on the cool countertop, my head almost reaching the other side, where Asher smiles down at me, stroking my hair back from my face.

While Jackson kneels, taking off my boots, Ford trails a finger between the valley of my breasts before he circles one swell in consecutively smaller concentric circles, getting closer and closer to the stiff peak pushing against the lace. He doesn’t touch it though, moving over to the other breast and giving it the same treatment.

Jackson kisses my belly, his tongue dipping into my navel while his fingers find the button on my jeans. He makes quick work of pulling them off my hips and down my legs, taking my panties with them. There’s a breathless moment of anticipation as I’m revealed to them, the lace of my bra doing very little to hide that small amount of skin. Davis shakes his head in awe. “Fucking beautiful.”

I glance down my body, finding Jackson between my spread thighs, staring right at my center with a look of pure hunger on his face. I whimper, wiggling against the marble. Maybe I’m trying to tempt him, I don’t know. But I do know that I need him to do something beyond just stare at me.
