Page 138 of Knot Here for You

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Even though anyone with eyes can see just exactly how claimed we are.

Those same sites have been speculating on what Maxim Werth thinks about it, dredging up the pictures and video of my heart break seven years ago. It’s been a lot.

Thankfully, Maxim hasn’t deemed it worth his time to comment on his feelings about our bond. Though it wouldn’t really matter if he did. He’s too busy scrambling, trying to pick up the pieces of his company and his reputation.

I’m not sure what exactly my pack did—they didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask—but whatever it was saw Maxim ousted as CEO of his own company, he’s no longer on the board of the bank and that monstrosity of a house that the elder Werth Pack once lived in, is currently on the market. I suspect they need the money.

Things have been strained between Davis and Jackson and the rest of their parents. While Maxim acted mostly on his own—or at least that’s what they tell us—Davis and Jackson can’t help but feel they should have done more to protect them, protect us.

There’s no way they didn’t notice the payouts to my grandmother over the last seven years, and anyone with a conscience would have questioned why Maxim was paying Gladys so much money.

“That’s true,” Ford says, pressing a kiss to my hair. “But this is making it officially official.”

I know he’s right, they’re right. Even if we already went to the courthouse and registered me as the omega of their pack, even though we already have the paperwork and everything is settled. There’s just this one last thing.

Jackson’s still staring at me intently. “If you don’t want to do it, we can just cancel, send everyone home. Make an announcement in the paper instead.”

It’s tempting. I’m not fond of being the center of attention. But I know this is something we should do. I shake my head. “Everyone’s here to celebrate. The actual ceremony will be quick, right? And then it’s just a big party.”

Davis presses a quick kiss to my lips. “Yep, exactly right.”

I shrug. “Then we should do it.”

“Jesus, you haven’t even dried your hair yet?”

I look up at the sound of Sadie’s voice and find her and Sorrel, just on the other side of the door, peering in at me. Thank god for that, because I’m not sure my omega could handle if they came in my nest. This space is just for me and my pack.

I grin and squeal, launching myself through the line of hard alpha bodies and throw myself at my friends with so much force they stumble back into the wall in the hall. But they hug me back tightly. “Oh, god, I’ve missed you both so much!”

“Missed you too, babe,” Sadie says, pulling back just enough to look at me while Sorrel hugs me tighter. “Fuck, you look good! Even if your hair is a literal mess right now.” She shifts her gaze. “The biggest event of her life and you’re busy distracting her with sex so she can’t get ready?”

I move until I can see my pack. Davis holds up his hands. “Whoa, calm down there, tiger. There was no sex to be had.”

“If there was,” Ford says, cocky as fuck. “You’d have heard it before you smelled it. She’s a screamer.”

My face flushes bright crimson. “You all are assholes.” I grip both of my friends’ hands in my own and march them toward Jackson’s room, where I’ve set up all the things I’ll need to get ready.

Once the door is securely closed behind us, I hug them each again. Noting the unfamiliar scents they have clinging to their skin, but I don’t comment on them. They’ll tell me when they’re ready.

“Where are we doing this?” Sorrel looks around, eyes flitting toward Jackson’s bed and then the open bathroom door.

“In here,” I lead them into the space where, in anticipation of their help, I dragged in a chair.

Sadie guides me over to it and urges me down, before cocking her head at Sorrel. “You want to do the hair or the makeup?”

Sorrel gnaws on her bottom lip. “I think you should dry her hair. I’ll tackle her nails, because Jesus, Vee, it looks like you put them through a wood chipper.”

I look down at my mangled nails. “Listen, I’ve had a few stressful weeks, okay? I’m sorry that my nails didn’t survive the fallout from being drugged and having my hormones stolen.”

Sorrel immediately softens. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

Sadie shakes her head. “Yes, you did. And I agree. You can’t let yourself go just because of some psycho bitch with a god complex. Then she wins, Sylvie.”

A surprised laugh bursts out of me. “Fuck, I love you. Both of you.”

They throw their arms around me. “We love you too, babe.”

“So much.” Sorrel pulls back first and looks down at me. “Have you heard anything about Dr. Attersby?”
