Page 62 of Knot Here for You

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Did you see this?

She’s attached a link to the text. I click on it, and then blink at what I see, my stomach plummeting to splat on the floor. The first thing I notice is the picture. I remember when it was taken, the summer I turned seventeen. It’s not at a party or function. It’s just us.

The six of us are laying on the grass, sun kissed and smiling. Our heads are all together, bodies stretched out in a circle. Ford is next to me, his hands tangled with mine, his head tilted toward me, a soft smile on his face. In fact, all of them are looking at me as much as they can. I’m the only one looking at the camera held by Jackson. My head is nestled on his chest, his other arm wrapped around my shoulders. His lips are pressed into my hair.

Davis and Asher are all but wrapped around each other, on Ford’s other side, and Topher is cuddled up to Jackson, too.

I’m laughing at something, and they’re all beaming at me.

We all look so damn happy.

Settled. Like we belong together.

I blink away tears and focus on the headline over the picture. The Werth Pack: Where are They Seven Years Later?

What the hell?

Hadn’t I just thought about this? About someone writing an expose about what happened all those years ago. Fuck. This is going to ruin me all over again. People are going to see this. My clients are going to see this. It’s not the name I go by anymore and the pictures are years old, but the girl in them is still unmistakably me.

My breathing comes in quicker as I scroll down. More pictures of us together when we were younger, back when I thought they were mine, back when I couldn’t be around them without smiling, laughing, giggling.

It makes my heart ache that they ruined it.

I scroll back to the top and actually read it.

Okay, that headline is a little misleading. We know where the younger Werth pack has been. Right here in our great city. Since they formally formed almost seven years ago, we’ve seen them grow from a group of young idealistic men into a force to be reckoned with.

This article isn’t about them, not really. This article is about their omega, Sylvie Benson.

That’s right, their omega.

Many of our readers will remember Miss Benson as the unfortunate recipient of a publicly broken heart seven years ago, when the younger Werth pack announced their intention to invite Yasmin Forsyth to join them as their omega.

Leading up to the announcement, we rarely saw the Werth pack without Sylvie Benson in public. If she wasn’t with the entire pack, she was with at least one of them. It was widely speculated that they would invite her to join them when her designation became clear, likely as a beta.

I’m sure I’m not alone in sympathizing with Miss Benson in the heartless and public way they suddenly removed her from the picture.

I recently sat down with the Werth Pack in an exclusive interview about what happened all those years ago.

Interviewer: Thank you for sitting down with me today.

Jackson Werth: Thank you for having us. This interview has been a long time coming.

Interviewer: I’m delighted to be of service. Should we just jump right in? You reached out to me regarding this interview, why after seven years, is it time?

Jackson Werth: Well, as many of you know, seven years ago we announced that Yasmin Forsythe would join our pack publicly at a party thrown by my and Davis’s pack to celebrate the occasion.

Interviewer: Yes, we were all quite shocked by the announcement, since Yasmin Forsyth had not tried to hide her dislike of Sylvie Benson, who we all believed would be the sixth member of your pack. What happened there?

Davis Werth: We [expletive] up.

Interviewer: Would you care to explain?

Asher Werth: As members of elite packs, there were certain expectations that were placed on us. We hadn’t yet formed our pack formally, and we depended on our families for financial support, for things like education. In order to provide for our pack, we needed to have a good foundation. We caved to their pressure and ended up hurting the one person in the world we never wanted to hurt.

Interviewer: Sylvie Benson.

Ford Werth: Yes. The most important thing you can take away from this interview is that we never intended to leave Sylvie. She’s always been ours. Always will be ours.
