Page 63 of Knot Here for You

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Topher Werth: The articles that came out after the Forsyth announcement were slander against Sylvie. She wasn’t some crazed girl who followed us around, trying to steal us from Yasmine.

Interviewer: So, what was she then?

Jackson Werth: She’s [expletive] everything. The most important part of us. Her reaction that day was totally and completely justified. We told her she would be a member of our pack. We told her we loved her, and that we wanted her. We told her she would always be ours.

Davis Werth: She believed us. And as a result, she was completely and utterly blindsided by that party, by Yasmine, by the announcement.

Interviewer: You didn’t warn her it was coming?

Jackson Werth: No. We didn’t. It was my call and I will always, always regret it.

Interviewer: Okay, so… wow. I guess I have to ask, why now? It’s been seven years. Why didn’t you come forward with this right after?

Ford Werth: We lost her.

Interviewer: Well, yes, but I’m sure if she saw an interview like this, an explanation, she would have forgiven you. Anyone in their right mind would.

Ford Werth: No, you don’t understand. We literally lost her. She disappeared the day of the party and we didn’t see her again until two weeks ago.

Interviewer: Really?

Topher Werth: Really. So now she’s here, and we’re hoping like hell that she’ll give us another chance.

Asher Werth: We thought a good place to start would be to refute the claims made seven years ago. The ones that claimed she was an unhinged stalker, specifically. She deserves better than to be vilified for simply being in love with a pack of assholes.

Jackson Werth: More often than not, it was us stalking her. We always wanted her around us, needed her. We didn’t just put up with her. Like I said, she’s always been ours.

Interviewer: I see. If Sylvie sees this, what is the most important thing you want her to know?

Davis Werth: She’s ours. We aren’t giving up on that. We never will.

Ford Werth: Everything we promised seven years ago. We want it. We want her.

Topher Werth: We need her. We don’t work without her.

Asher Werth: If it takes another seven years, we’re going to prove it to her.

Davis Werth: [expletive], I hope it doesn’t take another seven years.

Jackson Werth: Sylvie Benson, we love you so goddamn much. We’ll tear the world apart and put it back together for you. We [expletive] up. We know it. Just give us a chance to make it up to you. Please.

There’s more to the article and a link to a video of the interview, but I stop reading, my mind spinning.

I don’t understand what’s happening. I don’t understand the point of this. I mean, I’m grateful that they finally said something to refute the original article. But… That was seven years ago. It’s not really on anyone’s minds anymore and this article just brought up everything, put it at the forefront.

Why drag up the past?

Why do an interview apologizing so publicly, taking the blame, putting their pack’s reputation on the line? For me? Why wouldn’t they just come to me and tell me all of this? Why air our dirty laundry where everyone can see?

While I’ve been reading, more texts have come in from Beth. I ignore them and pull up a contact that I literally never would have thought I would use. Well, five contacts. In my lowest moments, I added them to my phone, their numbers still locked in my mind. And when I sunk even lower than that, I added them all to a group text and typed out messages to them… I never sent them, of course, but the act of writing things down and saving them as drafts was cathartic in the moment.

I look at the most recent draft of an unsent text.


I miss you so fucking much.

You’re an ache in my chest that won’t go away.
