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It was wrong—off—in a way that made my skin crawl. I had to breathe through my mouth the entire time I was there.

Conversely, being in the enclosed car with Luca and Ethan is like a shot of tryptophan to my system, and I doze off before we even made it down the windy driveway I share with Sylvie and Sorrel.

So that means, when warm calloused fingers brush over my cheek, coaxing me awake, I have no idea where the hell I am. “Easy, vixen,” Luca whispers when I jerk, nearly strangling myself on my seatbelt.

He unlocks the belt and then scoops me into his arms, settling me against his chest. “Go back to sleep, omega,” he murmurs, lips against my forehead.

“Don’t call me that,” I grumble even as I snuggle into his shoulder, taking deep inhales of his brandy pear scent.

The ding of an elevator has my head lifting, and for the first time, I look around. We’re in an underground garage, well lit and almost impeccably clean. Even the floor gleams like a dealership showroom. There are two rows of shiny, expensive looking cars that probably cost more than I’d make in ten years at my job. Or I guess my old job. Since, technically, I’m currently unemployed.

“This is our private garage,” Ethan says, leading the way into the elevator. The doors close. “This elevator is the only way into our penthouse.” He holds his hand to a scanner that lights up and then beeps. The lift rises while I arch a brow at the high-tech security.

I guess it makes sense. They are the Falcone Pack and the Falcones have too many enemies to count. It makes sense they’d want their home base to be extra, extra secure.

“We have the entire top two floors,” Luca tells me. “If there’s anything that you need that we don’t already have on hand, let us know. We’ll get it for you.”

“I won’t be here long enough for that.” I shake my head and then pat his chest. “You can set me down now.”

He ignores my gentle request, tightening his arms around me instead as he looks over at Ethan. “Should we wake the others?”

The beta snorts a laugh and shakes his head. “You want Sadie’s first interaction with Maddox to be in the middle of the night after we’ve woken him from a dead sleep?”

Luca considers and then says, “No, you’re right. Better to break the news that we have an omega after he’s had coffee.”

“And breakfast.”

“And a blowjob.”

My cheeks heat at the last one, and a niggling of jealousy comes to life in my stomach. Who the hell is giving this Maddox a blowjob when it should be my job? What the hell? I push that thought away, because why am I getting all jealous over some alpha I’ve never even met?

Stupid bond. Stupid Omega. Stupid alpha biting me and claiming me and making me feel all kinds of things I have no reason to feel.

Luca laughs like he knows exactly what’s going through my mind, and a wave of amused affection swells up inside me. It only takes me a moment to realize that it’s coming from him, through the bond that I’ve left open for the first time since I felt it.

I slam the door back down, and Luca grunts. But a moment later, he nuzzles into my neck and licks over the mating bite. My body goes liquid hot in his arms and my toes curl in my shoes, while a swell of arousal makes my slick soak my panties.

He drags his lips up to my ear, his breath hot against me as he murmurs, “someday you won’t want to keep me out, vixen. Some day you’ll keep that bond open all the time so we can feel each other wherever we are. So I know when you need my cock, my knot.” He presses an impossibly soft kiss to my temple.

“Asshole,” I mutter, as he pulls away. The elevator dings as it opens and I’m almost sure he doesn’t hear me.

Ethan leads the way into the open concept space, my bag draped over his shoulder. Luca follows him as I look around. The elevator leads into a modern apartment. Floor to ceiling windows greet me first, the lights of the city catching my attention. In the middle of the view is a large gas burning fireplace that stretches up to the ceiling as well. The surround is all white and smooth, not tile or brick, and there is a giant TV hanging over the natural wood mantle. In front of the fireplace, facing the view, is a huge U shaped couch in black. Actually, everything is black or white or gray with natural wood or black metal accents.

There’s a kitchen on the right, also white and black with gold accents. The enormous island is natural wood with white countertops. There’s a stairway leading up to a second floor. And a hall on either side of the main living area that stretch into darkness.

It’s very… austere. And there aren’t any little touches that let me know people live here. I might as well have walked into a showroom. It occurs to me that maybe they brought me to a location that isn’t their pack house, that maybe they don’t trust me enough to bring me to the place that is actually theirs. Maybe this is just a fuck pad where they bring the newest flavor of the week.

The lack of pillows and blankets, soft things, is apparently disturbing to my new omega because I get all itchy and my fingers twitch with the need to… nest? Oh god, am I already wanting to nest? Here? With the Falcone Pack? In their fuck pad?

The thought has me pushing against Luca’s chest, wiggling until he lets me down, but when I try to move away from him further into the penthouse, he loops an arm around my waist and keeps me next to him. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him to let me the fuck go, but then he licks the bite mark on my neck again and I just melt against him instead.

“Who the hell is that?” A voice growls from the second floor. Luca hugs me closer as my head tips back, until I can see the alpha at the top of the stairs. My heart stops thudding in my chest as I take him in. Tan skin, black hair, dark eyes. He’s dressed in a tight black t-shirt that hugs his extremely muscled chest and gray sweatpants that hang low on his hips. His feet are bare and, for some reason, that catches my attention and holds it as he stomps down the stairs toward us. Anger radiating out of him in waves so thick I can’t help the whimper that pours out of my chest.

“You can’t bring one of you whores here, Luca. We talked about this,” he growls, making me flinch back both at the word and the tone he used while spitting it at me. “The penthouse is for pack. Only Pack.”

Luca carefully sets me down, and then steps in front of me, not bending under the overwhelming dominance radiating from the one and only Maddox Falcone.

“She’s not a whore, Mad,” he says calmly, folding his arms over his chest as I cower behind him. Ethan is off to our right, shifting from foot to foot, like he wants to intervene, but he’s not sure how. “She’s pack.”
