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“What the fu-” The word chokes off as Maddox gets close enough to scent me. His nostrils flare and his growl rolls over me, along with his scent. Juniper, red currant and cedar. He smells like gin cypress and it makes my mouth fucking water and my omega tremble, even if its slightly burned with his anger. Before I realize what I’m doing, my head tilts to the side, baring my neck for him. His black gaze lands on my exposed mating mark, and he sucks in a sharp breath.

“You didn’t,” he snarls at Luca. “Tell me you fucking didn’t mate an omega.” The way he says the word makes it clear what he thinks of omegas, of me. Though if I’m honest, it’s not any different from how I feel about the entire situation. Disgusted. Dismayed. Disappointed. A lot of those dis words.

Luca’s silence is deafening and Ethan inches just slightly closer to me. To protect me? Probably.

“What. The. Fuck. Were you thinking? You pull this now? Right fucking now? You know the bullshit I’m dealing with.” The questions drip with disdain. Another of those dis words. I press further into Luca’s back, trying to make myself as small as I can to escape Maddox’s wrath.

“She’s ours, Mad,” Luca says, still calm as hell, while I’m sitting here sweating and trembling. A warm hand presses into my back, and the soothing spring rain scent rolls over me as Ethan steps up next to me, having made a choice about what side he wants to be on.

Maddox’s dark eyes widen in shock. “What? Yours and Ethans? You starting a new pack I don’t know about?”

“Oh, fuck off,” Luca bites out, finally losing that calm patience. “She’s all of ours. Yours. Mine. Ethan’s. Logan’s. Swift’s.”

“Who are we talking about?” A sleepy slightly accented voice comes from the direction of the stairs. I follow the sound to an alpha with spiky dark red hair, pale skin covered in tattoos and freckles. Glasses rest on his nose, but they aren’t doing much because his fingers are pressed into his eyes, rubbing away the vestiges of sleep.

“The omega Luca went ahead and bonded without our consent. Without my consent,” Maddox barks.

“It was without my consent too,” I snap out, finally shedding enough of my newly formed omega persona to bring back the old Sadie. The one that doesn’t cower behind an alpha for protection. “My name is not ‘Omega’, it’s Sadie. And Jesus, can you dial back the alpharomones? I’m new to the whole omega thing and you are really, really freaking me out. I can’t figure out if I’m supposed to run and hide or drop to my knees and present to you.”

I’m patting myself on my back for getting all of that out when Maddox turns his dark green eyes to me, his brows arched in surprise. “Present to me?” I swear there’s an uptick in his scent, turning it rich and heady, and my hussy of an omega pants for it, for him. Slick forms between my legs, soaks into my leggings.

Ethan chuckles next to me, sweeping his hand up and down my back in a move I think is supposed to be soothing, but there are too many alpharomones in the air to allow for that. I don’t need gentle touches. I need to get fucked… or to find a quiet place to curl up under a blanket and hide.

Being an omega fucking sucks.

Luca sighs and reaches to cup the back of my neck, pulling me forward until I’m standing next to him. The weight of his palm on my skin helps to calm me down, but I’m still nervous as all get out when I fully face the prime alpha of the Falcone pack.

“This is Sadie Pierce,” Luca says, fingers tightening just slightly on my neck. “Until about four hours ago, Sadie was a beta.”



Luca ignores the comments from Maddox and Logan respectively and keeps talking. “Ethan and I found her at The Market. We took her to a private room, and in the course of… intercourse,” he smirks, and my cheeks go hot. “She presented as an omega without realizing it. I may or may not have slipped into a rut, because, well, you can smell her. She thought we were roleplaying and begged me to bite her. The bond slipped into place before either of us really realized it.”

Logan approaches, his glasses settled on his nose, his light green eyes examining me with a keen interest that doesn’t feel like an alpha looking over a potential mate, but much more of an educational examination. Like he’s trying to break into my skull and find all my secrets, a puzzle he needs to figure out.

“You’re too old to present as an omega,” Maddox says bluntly.

I fold my arms over my chest and don’t look away from the light green eyes still watching me. “Yes, I am aware that I am outside of the normal age range for omega presentation.”

“You don’t look like an omega,” Logan says, dragging his light green gaze over me. And I can’t help but stiffen a little, stung by the observation.

“I am also aware of that, yes,” I say, trying my hardest not to fold in on myself. Omegas are tiny curvy little things. Usually no taller than five foot three, with hips wide enough for birthing multiple children. They have delicate features and innocent eyes and have to work to look even the slightest bit edgy, like Sylvie, who still looks adorable and sweet with face piercings, and bleached hair.

I, on the other hand, am five foot six. My hips would never be called wide, but they aren’t exactly slim either. My breasts aren’t big and they aren’t little. My face is just… pretty enough for a beta. Not stunning, certainly not innocent or wide eyed. Average. That is what I am. That is what I have been since the dawn of time. An average beta.

And now I’m a below average omega. God, in most omega circles, I’d be ugly, probably. Not what an alpha looks at for a mate. No wonder Maddox is so fucking upset when faced with a below average omega, who somehow weaseled her way into his pack.

I back up a step and hitch a thumb toward the elevator. “You know what? I’m just gonna go. You all obviously need to have a pack conversation, and I don’t think I need to be here for that. I didn’t even really want to come.” My feet slide back another step, while the alphas watch my retreat, only I bump up against a warm, hard body.

I glance over my shoulder and spot Ethan, the strap of my bag still slung over his arm. “Oh, perfect.” I reach toward it, intending to snag it off him. “I’ll just take that.” Ethan crosses his arms, effectively locking my bag to his body.

Amusement flickers down the bond and I scowl over at Luca, who has a smug as shit smile on his face. “Where do you think you’re going to go at three in the morning?”

“I’ll get my car and go home. You know, like I wanted to do before you dragged me here.”

“You kidnapped her?” Maddox shouts and I wince, backing further into Ethan, who uncrosses his arms and hooks them over my shoulders, tugging me into his chest.
