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No prizes for guessing who’s the least favorite.

Swift presses a kiss to my temple. “Send her that and send it to me, too. I want to make it my background.”

My chest clenches even harder as he slips away from me, but I push it aside and turn until Maddox is behind me with a scowl on his face. I snap a picture and then send the lot of them to Vee. I toy with the idea of telling her I’m with the Falcone pack, but the intention is to make her feel more comfortable with my situation, not worse.

I have the feeling that finding out I’m bonded to a criminal pack would only worry her more.

She’s dealing with enough with her grandmother’s death and the pack that rejected her. She doesn’t need me to heap my bullshit on her, too.

So I keep that nugget of information to myself. It’s enough that she has my general location and pictures of their faces. I know she won’t need them, though. As much as they don’t want me here, I can’t imagine any of them hurting me.


Good. Tell them if I don’t hear from you tonight, I’m going to the police.

Warmth suffuses my chest at her obvious concern as Logan pads down the stairs, wearing a pair of jeans and a gray button up with a maroon cardigan over it… I kid you not. That, combined with his glasses and his artfully messy red hair and freckles, makes him look like a nerdy professor that I want to do extra credit for. So not fair.

He smirks when he catches my eye and I purposefully look back at my phone, pretending like I wasn’t just imagining him bending me over a desk in an office filled with books where he can spank my ass and fuck me heard. Definitely was not thinking about that.


Aw, you really do love me.


You know I do.

Also, don’t think I’m not going to grill you about what the hell that is.

Last I saw you, you were with two men, now you’re with five?

I try like hell to not let giddy excitement flow through me. But holy shit, do I have a story for her and some unknown reason, I’m all fluttery about it.


Babe, you have no fucking idea.

I’ll tell you later.

Chapter 10: In which I get a glimpse of what it would be like to belong to an alpha

Logan and I leave the penthouse amidst warnings from Maddox to not be gone too long. Apparently, the redhead has ‘better fucking things to do’ than making sure I don’t get pregnant. Which, you know, fair. But also, fuck him.

They’re the ones that insisted I need a chaperone. I wanted to come alone in the first place.

Alas, that is not to be.

When we step onto the street, Logan glances round, like he’s checking for danger or something. He apparently finds none, because he jerks his chin to the left. “There’s a drugstore a few blocks that way.”

I nod, having already searched the area on my phone, and start in that direction. He easily keeps pace with me, his long legs eating up the distance much faster than mine. I’m not short, or at least, not as short as most omegas I’ve seen, but I am short compared to him.

I think most people are, though. The man is a giant. They all are. It makes me feel tiny in comparison.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. “How are you doing?”


“With all this.” He waves a hand in front of him, like that will be enough to encapsulate this entire fucked up situation.
