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It falls dramatically short. “Oh, just fine. Totally great actually. I love having my body suddenly be a completely foreign thing to me. I love having all these new instincts I don’t understand. It’s great to be wet literally all the fucking time just because you smell so goddamn good.”

He growls and pulls me to a stop with a hand wrapped around my upper arm. His green eyes blaze down at me. “Maybe don’t talk about your slick while we’re in public, hmm? Alpha instincts and all that.”

I don’t know what he means by that, but the intensity of his gaze has me nodding in agreement. Half his mouth curls into a smile and he uses his grip to tug me into his body, curling an arm around my shoulders, before he slides a huge palm down my spine and to the small of my back to urge me forward again.

I’ve never had someone do this for me. I always thought it would be kind of weird, you know? The big strong man guiding the silly little female as though she can’t navigate the street on her own. But this feels… right. So fucking right. I don’t really have to do much, but put one foot in front of the other and Logan nudges me this way or that, guiding me around obstacles and people. All I have to do is trust him.

It’s weird that I do.

You don’t have to tell me that.

Even so, I lean into him, following his lead, looking around at the buildings and the people rather than where we’re going.

Logan all but snarls when someone bumps into me, tugging me tighter into his body with one arm while the other shoots out to shove the person back more.

“Oh, I’m so sorry-” The familiar voice cuts off. “Sadie cakes?”

My eyes slip closed for a beat, two, and then I force a smile to my lips that is fake as hell and open them. “Dr. Schwab. Hi!”

The older man looks down at me, familiar eyes shining bright. “Look at you! You look like you’re doing well!”

I nod and smile up at him. “I am.” But mostly because I stopped taking the medication you told me I would need to take for the rest of my life. “Really well.”

Logan shifts next to me, drawing my attention to him, as his thumb sweeps back and forth over the exposed skin of my upper arm. “Oh, sorry Logan, this is Dr. Schwab-”

“I’ve told you to call me Dalton, Sadie,” he admonishes gently. “You’re all grown up and no longer my patient.”

My smile grows tense and I glance up at Logan to see how he takes this news, but his green eyes are narrowed on the older man. “Dr. Schwab was my doctor when I was a kid.” I squeeze Logan’s waist gently, and he glances down at me. “Dr. Schwab, this is Logan-”

“Dr. Logan Falcone,” he cuts me off and my mouth snaps shut in surprise. I didn’t know Logan was a doctor. But then, I guess I don’t know anything about any of the members of the pack I’m bonded into, other than what’s been told in the media. “Sadie’s alpha. Well, one of them.”

Dr. Schwab’s brows arch high on his forehead. “Falcone you say?” His faded blue eyes skirt over to me. “What have you gotten yourself into, Sadie cakes?” He shakes his head sadly. “After all the trouble we went through to get you to a place of healing, you’re throwing it away on a pack that-”

He cuts off, glancing uncomfortably at Logan who’s watching him with that same narrow-eyed glare and a promise of violence in every line of his face. “Oh, don’t stop on my account. Please continue. A pack that what, Dr. Schwab? What exactly do you think my omega has gotten herself into?”

A startled sound leaves my old physician and his eyes widen even further, but this time not with concern, with surprise. “You’re an omega?”

Is it weird that he sounds excited by the prospect? It is, right? He shouldn’t care if I am or not. But the way his eyes light up and he’s suddenly huffing the air around me like he’s trying to catch my scent has me thinking this matters to him. I have no clue why.

I shift closer to Logan unconsciously, letting his bourbon and butterscotch scent soothe me, calm me, even as Dr. Schwab’s eyes run over me hungrily. Not sexually, but similar to how Logan looked at me last night, like I’m a puzzle he’s trying to figure out.

A warning growl erupts from Logan, and the older man’s eyes fly to meet his. “And you’re her alpha? Her scent match, I would presume? When did this happen? How long have you been an omega? How long have you been mated?”

The more questions he lobs at me, the more uncomfortable I get. Logan’s hand slides from around my shoulders until his palm is resting at the nape of my neck, his thumb stroking gently over my pulse point, grounding my omega, slowing my heart rate. “None of that is any of your concern,” he says simply. “You are making my omega uncomfortable and if you don’t stop, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.” A tiny smile curls the corners of his lips. “I might be a doctor, but that just means I know how to inflict the most pain while keeping someone alive.”

I shiver, and I wish I could say it’s because the threat in his voice worried me, but really it’s because I’m fucking turned on. There is something wrong with me. Logan’s thumb presses into the flutter in my neck harder before he turns and dusts a kiss over my temple, his cheek sliding along mine.

Scent marking me.

He’s marking me right here on the street in public, in front of the doctor who said I would be sick all my life. Who warned me that because I was sick, I might not have normal healthy romantic and sexual relationships.

Dr. Schwab blinks and then smiles. “Oh, yes, of course. You understand its professional curiosity. It’s rare we see an omega present so late in life.” His watery eyes look at me. “If you’re looking for a doctor that specializes in omega physiology, I’d be happy to recommend some in the area.”

Logan pulls me closer, though I don’t really know how, since I’m already pressed to his side from ankle to shoulder. He finds the space and eradicates it. “I think I can take care of my omega.”

There he goes again, calling me his omega. I don’t think I can actually handle it, handle him, handle this claiming. I’m desperately trying to keep my head—the one that has been beta for all of my life—and to not read too much into this. It has to be alpha posturing. Logan doesn’t know me. He doesn’t actually want me. Even if… even if a part of me already feels like he’s mine, too.

Dr. Schwab’s smile falters the slightest bit. “Oh, yes, of course. Of course. I didn’t mean to overstep. I only thought…” He gives me a soft smile, the one I remember from when I was a child. “It must be so confusing to you. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”
