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That means condoms and morning-after pills until I can do more research on the best form of birth control for an omega. I’m a doctor, but I handle things like stab wounds and gunshots, and concussions. Things our guys get from fighting, from living the hard life of a made man.

I don’t have any clue about what to do with an omega, how to care for her physically and mentally. None of us do. It’s not like we attended those pack mating classes. The ones that are recommended when a pack starts looking for their omega. They teach everything you need to know about omegas and how to integrate one into the pack dynamics, covering everything from nesting to heats to omega instincts.

I don’t blame Maddox for being pissed that Luca blindsided us with this. Hell, I’m pissed too. I would have preferred time to be prepared for welcoming an omega into our pack, to have presents and a fully functional nest ready for her. To court her. To actually get to know the woman who will complete our pack before she moves in with us.

But we don’t have that luxury now.

She might not want to admit it, but she’s going to need us pretty quick here. I wasn’t lying when I said omegas that present later in life have a heat within a month.

Sadie lifts her eyes from where she’s reading the back of the package to pierce me with a look. Such pretty fucking eyes. Fierce. Unafraid. Sparkling silver and full of fire. So. Fucking. Pretty. Made even prettier by how she doesn’t hesitate to glare at me.

Everyone knows who we are. Everyone is afraid of us, of the Falcone Pack and of what we do to those that cross us. I’ve seen grown me piss their pants after one of Maddox’s glares or Swift’s maniacal smiles. But this girl, this tiny little thing? She’s not fucking scared of us.

I don’t know if that’s her instincts working—she is our scent match after all—so she must know we would never hurt her. In fact, it’s our imperative that she stays as safe as we can make her. Something we’re going to struggle with during this adjustment period from criminal organization to legitimate businessmen.

Sadie is going to hate the limitations we put on her life. I can’t blame her.

She’s spent twenty-five years as a beta, able to go wherever she wants, secure in her safety—well, as secure as a woman can be in this fucked up world. But now she’s an omega, and although she’s bonded to one alpha, she’s still infinitely more vulnerable than she was when she woke up yesterday.

Being our omega makes her even more so.

“What? You’re just gonna hack into the hospital and find my medical records?”

I lift a shoulder at the derision in her voice. “Yep. That’s exactly what we’ll do. Ethan’s a fucking whizz with computers and hacking. I’m sure that Maddox already has him pulling everything he can about you. It won’t be too hard to add medical records to his list of things to find out about you.”

Her pretty red painted lips pop open. “That is a horrible breech of trust.”

“If you could do a background check on us, you would.” Another shrug. “You could just tell me and then we won’t have to do it.” I drag my eyes over her, from the top of her messy hair down to where her hips disappear behind the counter, lingering on the sliver of skin peeking out where her t-shirt doesn’t quite meet the top of her jeans. “You don’t look sick now, so I’m going to assume whatever it was is in remission, or better?”

I don’t miss the slight flinch. What was it I said that elicited that response? Remission? Did she have cancer? Immediately my brain latches onto that as the answer. My omega had cancer as a child. I conjure up pictures of her going through chemo, losing her light brown hair, looking gaunt and gray, sickly.

Fuck. It makes me so fucking sad to think of her going through that. To think of her without a pack around her to support her. Because that is one thing we already know about Sadie Pierce. She wasn’t born to a pack. Just a single mom who struggled to make ends meet.

Sadie drops her gaze back to the box in her hand and then pries one side open.

“It wasn’t cancer,” she mutters, focused on her task. “So you can get that look off your face.”

“What look?” I ask, trying to smooth my expression of whatever she had been seeing.

“That pitying look that everyone gets when they think of a kid having cancer, going through chemo. It wasn’t cancer. I never lost my hair. I felt fine most of the time. Like a normal kid.” She flicks her gaze up to me, then back down as she extracts the pill and pops it in her mouth, swallowing it with half the glass of water.

“So then, tell me what it was.” She glares at me stubbornly. “Sadie, mo chuisle, you are our omega. We need to know so we can take care of you.”

One of her hands slaps down on the marble, and her glare intensifies. “Like you’ve been taking care of me?” Her mouth snaps shut and her cheeks flame a brilliant shade of pink. Makes me want to lick over that flaming flesh. “I don’t need you to take care of me,” she says through gritted teeth. “I’ve been doing fine my whole life without you.”

“Sadie-” I start to tell her that things are different now, that she’s ours and it’s our job to take care of her… No, not our job—because that makes it sound like a chore—it’s our fucking pleasure, our honor, to take care of her. But I’m cut off by a loud shout.

“Logan!” Maddox snaps at me from the hallway that leads to his office. Both Sadie and I whip our heads in his direction.

My mouth snaps shut, closing around the words I want to say to her. The fury in Maddox’s eyes tells me this is something more than annoyance at my insistence on taking Sadie on her errand this morning. Something’s happened. Probably something fucking bad.

“A word?” he snarls at me, and I don’t miss that Sadie shrinks back at his tone.

I want to tell him to calm the fuck down, but when has that ever actually worked on anyone? It definitely won’t work on Maddox. Not when his alpha instincts are in overdrive because of the pretty little omega in our midsts. He’s more likely to rip my head off if those words pass my lips.

I nod and then look at Sadie. “We’re not finished discussing this.”

She waves a hand at me like she’s fucking bored with the conversation. “If you want to know, have fun breaking into secure databases.”
