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My lips tip up at the blatant challenge in her tone. She doesn’t think we’ll be able to find out. But what our omega doesn’t understand is the Falcone pack never backs down from a challenge. It’s why we’re where we are today.

I round the island while Maddox watches impatiently, curling my hand around the warm skin of her neck, holding her in place as I bend to press a kiss to her temple. Everything in me is demanding that I grip her chin instead, turn her face toward me and devour those red lips, swallow down her sweet taste, the little mewls I’m certain will sound from her throat.

I ignore the impulse, the need, and slide my lips over to her ear, brushing the soft shell with every word. “If that’s the way you want to play it, omega. Game fucking on.”

A shiver works its way over her body and I don’t miss the way her nipples pucker in response, the slight hitch in her chest, like she can’t get enough air. Under the pads of my fingers, her pulse quickens. She’s so fucking responsive to just these simple touches that I can’t even imagine what it would be like with my hands on her tits or my fingers buried in her cunt.

Her long lashes flutter against her cheekbones as she struggles to get herself under control.

“Logan. Now.”

My huffed breath stirs the little flyaways at Sadie’s temple and I step back, releasing her. It’s not my imagination that she sways the littlest bit toward me, like she’s untethered without my hand around her slim neck.

She steadies herself against the counter and then gathers up the packaging from the morning after pill, keeping her eyes focused on the task.

Maddox watches her as I move toward him, jaw tight, dark green eyes intense. “Be sure not to leave your shit everywhere,” he demands and even though I don’t turn, I can practically feel her glare. “This isn’t your home.”

A stab of anger on her behalf hits me hard in the chest. I don’t know what the hell Maddox is playing at, but alienating our fucking omega should be the furthest thing from his mind. The muscle in his jaw ticks and I glance over my shoulder to see Sadie flashing her middle finger at him as she mouths the words fuck off.

I can’t stop the smirk from pulling at my lips and I honestly wouldn’t want to. Fuck, I love her courage.

Maddox’s eyes gleam, and I can tell he likes it too. He won’t admit it, but he needs to be challenged, needs to have people in his life that stand up to him. An omega that just rolls over would have been a disappointment to him., too goddamn easy.

When I reach his side, he turns on his heel and leads the way to his office, settling behind his desk with a weary sigh, as I take one of the leather chairs facing him. “She is going to be the death of us,” he mutters, running a hand down his face.

I arch a brow at his fatalistic attitude, but don’t argue with him. I’ll leave that to Luca and Swift. Ethan and I are much quieter. I’m not worried. Maddox will come around when he’s had time to process. There isn’t an option for him to reject her. She’s fucking ours.

He’ll see it, eventually.

I lean back in my chair and lace my fingers over my stomach with my elbows propped on the armrests. “What did you need to see me about?”

He scowls, and he then turns his open laptop toward me, letting me read the screen. “This is why I fucking told you not to take her out today.”

My brows arch as I lean forward, running my eyes over the article. It’s a picture of me and Sadie on the street, my lips pressed into her hair and she looks… startled by the contact. The text of the article is mostly just wondering who she is and if the Falcone pack has finally found their omega. It wouldn’t be so bad—we’ve been photographed with countless women before—except the article makes a point of saying we left our building together, exiting the private elevator, and there’s a closeup of the fresh bite mark on Sadie’s neck.

“I should have fucking locked her in her room,” Maddox mutters, before jabbing a finger at the screen. “This is going to be a problem.”

“Can Ethan get it taken down?”

Mad scowls and nods. “He’s already working on it. But you know the way these things work. It’ll never be completely gone.” Another weary hand over his face. “This is the last fucking thing I need to worry about. The timing…”

I nod sympathetically. “I know. But it doesn’t change the fact that this is happening now, Dox. She’s here, and she smells like heaven and she’s ours. We have to do what we can to make sure this works.”

There’s a flicker of something in his eyes. “We don’t know she’s ours.”

Stubborn ass. I laugh. “Bullshit.” His scowl deepens, but he doesn’t say anything else, so I lean back again. “There is something else, though.”

“Jesus fucking christ, what now?” he groans.

I have to clench my jaw around the censorious words that I want to say, and instead tell him calmly, “We ran into someone Sadie knows on the street. A doctor, her physician from when she was a child.” Maddox turns his laptop back to face him and lifts a brow at me to continue. “He seemed surprised to see her healthy and whole on the street, in the presence of an alpha. I think she spent quite a bit of time ill as a child, but she won’t tell me with what.”

“So not only do we now have an unwanted omega, but she’s a sick one, too?”

Anger floods my stomach, bitter and sharp, and I know it’s showing in my scent, turning it from butterscotch bourbon to smoky burnt sugar. But I stay outwardly calm as I say, “she isn’t unwanted, Maddox. And she isn’t sick. At least, not that I can tell. She reassured me it wasn’t cancer, so that is one thing we don’t have to worry about.”

He leans back in his chair. “She told you it wasn’t cancer, but didn’t tell you what it is.”

It’s not a question, but I confirm it anyway. “Correct.”
