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Though… this feels an awful lot like she described.

Her pack was also her scent match… or at least she thought they would be. She hadn’t actually matched them when they rejected her, since she hadn’t yet revealed as an omega. But they’d promised her repeatedly that she would be theirs, a member of their pack, and those promises stuck on a soul deep level, resulting in a rejected mate bond as soon as she presented.

She’s been living with it for seven years.

Fuck, I’m going to end up like Sylvie, aren’t I? Pining after a pack that doesn’t want me, unable to touch anyone else. Years and years of sickness and hurt and… Fucking fuck! I didn’t realize that on some level, I actually wanted this to work. I wanted them to want me, to bond with me.

Apparently, on some level, part of me truly thought they would be mine, and now… now they’re rejecting me. Maybe not in so many words, but abandonment is a form of rejection, isn’t it?

I’ll have to go to the doctor, get on suppressants. It’s the only thing that helped Vee deal with her pain. Maybe I should reach out to Dr. Schwab and- I cut that thought off before it fully forms.

No. If I can avoid going back to that office, I will. Sylvie has a doctor in Alver City, where she lived with the Kinsella pack before she moved up to Lake Kilrose. I’ll see if I can get in to see her.

With that in mind, I shoot my friend a text as I head down the street.


Hey, Vee. I got myself into a bit of a pickle,

And I’m still in the city. If you’re around, can we get together?

If not, no big deal.

I’ll see you back at the lake.

I tuck the phone in my pocket and look up, catching sight of a hotel not far down the street. I should take the time to get farther away, but with every step I take away from pack Falcone, the more the ache in my chest grows. So it will have to do.

“Sadie!” A voice roars down the road, making my steps draw up short and the people around me look around in confusion. I try my hardest not to turn, but my body has a mind of its own, and I spin, finding Maddox barreling toward me. He looks pissed as hell, and that is enough to make me take off running. “Sadie! Get your ass back here right fucking now!”

“Leave me alone!” I cry over my shoulder, not slowing my steps. I barrel right past the hotel and keep going, dodging down an alley, hoping like hell he won’t follow. But of course I’m not so lucky. His footsteps pound after me, closer than before. “I’m doing you a favor, asshole.”

“Omega, stop.” He barks out and my feet come to a sudden stop right before the end of the alley. Gritting my teeth, I try to move, to keep running. But his alpha command has me stuck in place.

“Sadie, look at me.” It’s not a command, but I do it anyway. He pauses in the middle of the alley, giving me space even though I can’t go anywhere. This is my first time being under an alphas command and I have to say I hate it.

Whatever Dox sees on my face has him stumbling back a step, his face crumpling slightly before he wipes his expression. “Trouble, where are you going?”

I fold my arms over my chest and tip up my chin. “I’m doing you a favor, Maddox,” I repeat.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

I flap my hands between us. “You obviously don’t want me. You’ve made that more than clear. If the prime alpha of a pack doesn’t want an omega, it’ll never work. I’m doing you a favor by leaving. You can blame me. Tell them I didn’t want to stay.”

Maddox runs one big hand down his face, shaking his head. “How the hell did I fuck this up so badly?” I think I hear him mutter before he meets my eyes. “Come back to the apartment and we can talk, okay? It’s not safe for you to be out here.”

I scoff and shake my head, taking a step back, and thanking god when I’m able to move. “No, I’m fine. I’ve lived a full twenty-five years without you. I can see myself through the city.”

He takes a step toward me, mirroring my movements. The only problem is his stride is a hell of a lot longer than mine, so he’s eating up the distance faster than I can make it. “Stop,” he growls out again and once again I stall out.

“You fucking dick. Stop doing that!” I shout at him, hands fisting at my sides. His eyes widen and he lunges forward, one hand reaching for me and the other going to the holster I know he keeps at the base of his spine. He’s going to fucking shoot me now?

I scream and duck, throwing my hands up like that will stop him. But rough hands clamp under my armpits and haul me backward. “What-”

I struggle as Maddox whips his gun out and points it at the asshole behind me. “Let her go, right the fuck now.”

He’s so focused on me, he doesn’t notice two men ruching up behind him. “Maddox!” I cry, bucking against the man holding me, desperate to get to him. He moves just in time, swinging his gun and firing. I scream and buck harder, my legs and arms flailing, striking out at any bit of my captor I can reach. I’m spun around and my head cracks against a hard surface, bouncing off as pain radiates through my head, face and neck.

“Stop fighting, you little bitch.” I sag immediately. The command taking control of my body even as my mind rages against it. Even as I try desperately to fight.
