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Someone has answers for my cherrybomb, and I’m going to fucking find them. Even if I have to torture every person in this goddamn city, I’m going to figure out what was done to my omega when she was a child.

But I’m going to start with the most likely person to give me the answers I need.

Sadie’s mom.

Danielle Pierce.

Ethan already did a background check on her, the same way he ran one on Sadie.

This is what we know.

Danielle Pierce is forty-three. She had Sadie when she was eighteen and the fucker who donated sperm has never been in the picture. Single teenage mom struggling to make ends meet. She lived with her parents until Sadie was seven and then moved out.

To this place. A cute two-story house with a white picket fence and a good sized yard.

At the time, Danielle was working as a barista, and yet she could purchase this little slice of heaven… in cash. There is no way she would have made enough tips at the local Bean and Brew to afford that, even if she saved every fucking penny she made.

Six months after the purchase, Sadie turned eight and she started seeing the man who lied to my girl and called himself Dr. Schwab.

All of this was relayed to me by Ethan, a low murmur in my ear as he hurriedly explained what they’d discovered with Sadie. Which wasn’t much.

I don’t really give a fuck about Danielle’s history. I just care about my cherrybomb. About how she spent half her fucking life sick, and now she’s scared because she doesn’t know what the hell was done to her.

I’m going to figure it out.

Right the fuck now.

I hop over the low fence, not bothering to be stealthy about it. If someone looked out their window, they would see my white blond hair bobbing around the side of the house, where I peek in the window and find a woman who looks exactly like I imagine Sadie will look in twenty years.

Still young looking, still beautiful. They have the same full lips and the same pert little nose. Sadie’s hair is just a little lighter, a little wavier than her mother’s, though I don’t know if that’s because she’s more likely to let her hair air dry than blow dry it to a smooth sheen. The only actual difference is the color of their eyes. Where my girl’s are a shiny silver, her mother’s are a dull blue, like faded denim.

I’m sure whenever they go together, people comment about how they could be sisters.

I’m sure Danielle fucking loves that.

She’s on the couch in a matching pajama set, pink with white polka dots, still in a full face of makeup, even though she’s obviously in for the night.

Maybe she’s expecting a late night visitor, a little nookie, but what she’s going to get is me instead.

A wicked grin curves my lips, anticipation singing through me. I don’t know that my cherry bomb would approve of this course of action… in fact, I kind of doubt that she will, but I can’t bring myself to care.

This woman took her daughter to a false doctor for years. She refused to answer a scared kid’s questions about the sickness they’d told her she had. She kept Sadie in the dark for seventeen years and now she’s going to shine some fucking light on the situation, even if I have to cut into her flesh to do it.

I’m about ninety-eight percent sure it won’t come to that, though.

I watch as Danielle sips from her wineglass and then settles back again, eyes fixed on something on the TV screen.

Certain that she’s not going to move in the next five minutes, I check my pocket for the capped syringe. Grinning even more, I pat it like a cat and round the house.

This is too fucking easy. I don’t even have to break in technically, since Sadie still has a key to her mother’s house. And I lifted her keys out of her purse before I left the penthouse. She won’t mind, not when I can get her answers.

My grin grows when I think of Sadie, my cherry bomb, my omega. Mine. Mine. Mine. I love the fucking sound of that.

I’ve known her for all of three days, and most of those Maddox has made us keep our distance from her, but I can already tell she’s going to be ours forever. I won’t let her get away.

I know she’s new to being an omega, which is the only reason I’ve given her space. Well, that and the jobs Maddox has sent me on have satisfied my bloodlust. I think he knows it’s the only way I would be apart from Sadie. If he just sent me on a bullshit errand, like babysitting a shipment, I’d have stabbed him and then gone to find my cherrybomb.

A happy laugh spills from my lips that I have to stifle as I make my way to the back door of Sadie’s mother’s house. Killing for my bloodlust, the sexiest omega in the fucking world for my fuck lust. I’m a fucking lucky alpha for sure.
