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Things are slotting into place.

Once I knot and bite and bond our pretty slice of cherry pie, I’ll finally have everything I ever wanted, only better. Because Sadie is better than anything I could have imagined. Truly.

The smile falls as I think of what happened this evening, someone trying to take her from us. Someone hurting her, leaving bruises on her body, and a haunted look in her pretty silver eyes. I’m going to find out who that was too, and eviscerate them over the course of many, many years. I’m going to keep them locked up in my playroom and make them hurt. Then have Logan nurse them back to health, so I can make them hurt all over again.

I’ll see how long we can keep a person alive while slowly dismembering them, taking pieces of them to give to my omega as courting gifts and then bonding gifts and then anniversary gifts. They’ll regret ever laying a finger on Cherrybomb.

My phone buzzes in my pocket with an incoming text, pulling me from my vision of blood and torture. I growl at the interruption, and almost don’t look at it, but then I realize it might be Cherrybomb, and so I eagerly pull my phone from my pocket.

Maddoximus Prime:

Do not, under any circumstances, hurt Sadie’s mother.

Boo. Not my sexy little omega. Just my sexy big prime alpha.

I send him back a middle finger emoji. It’s fucking great. He knows I got his message and that I’m not going to listen to his command.

My instincts are telling me this needs to happen for my omega to be happy, so this is what I’m going to fucking do.

Of course, he can’t leave well enough alone.

Maddoximus Prime:

Swift, I fucking mean it.

She won’t forgive you if you torture her mom.

I don’t think he knows Sadie as well as he thinks he does. But more importantly, I don’t think he realizes just how fucked up this situation has the potential to be.

He should, though.

If anyone should understand that sometimes parents treat their children so abominably that the only recourse is violence, it’s him. After all, his father was a fucking abusive asshole and Maddox had the happy pleasure of shooting him in his black heart.

Something tells me that whatever Danielle Pierce tells us happened when Sadie was a child, is going to change our girl’s opinion on the woman for the worse.

While I’d do almost anything to keep my omega from hurting, in this case, unanswered questions and half-truths are going to end up hurting her more.

I tuck my phone back in my pocket, leaving him on read. It’ll piss him off, but whatever, I have more important things to worry about than that.

The back door is unlocked. Lucky fucking me.

I move into the house on silent feet, an argument between omega housewives on the TV covers any accidental sounds I might make. But I know there won’t be any. I’m quiet as a mouse as I sneak through the house, eyes on my prey. Danielle tilts her head and laughs at something on the screen and it’s fucking eery how much that laugh sounds like my Cherrybomb. But it doesn’t make my dick hard the way Sadie’s does.

I’m right behind her, staring down at the pulse in her neck, my hand tight around the syringe. She doesn’t have any fucking clue there’s a monster in her house. None.

Its fucking thrilling.

She squeals when my palm slams over her mouth. A spike of terrified beta scent—lemon cleanser—hits the air as I lift the needle and jab it into her throat before depressing the plunger. With almost anyone else, I would shush them quietly as they fought the drugs entering their system. But with Danielle? I want to hear her whimpers and whines. I want the tears streaming down her face.

She deserves to be terrified. I’m sure of it. I’m sure she’s done enough shitty fucking things in her life to my Cherrybomb that this is just a small taste of what she deserves.

It doesn’t take long for the drugs to take effect.

When her body slumps down and her breathing relaxes, I round the couch and haul her over my shoulder, not being careful or gentle with her at all.

Her head hits the wall as I head back down the hall to the back door. Oops.

I hum to myself as I step into the backyard, feeling proactive as fuck because I’m going to be the one to get my girl answers.
