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Swift frowns. “She keeps saying that, but I’m not sure I buy it.”

Ethan hums, scanning my face, trying to get a read on me. “I think you should. Our girl is stronger than she looks.”

“Hey!” I protest. “Are you saying I look weak, asshole?”

He chuckles, kisses my nose and then my mouth. “Not at all. You look like you’ve got a core of steel running through you, and you’re stronger than that. You’re practically titanium.”

I hum, even as I grudgingly accept the compliment. Ethan looks over at my mother with hard eyes. “You tried to break her, to whittle her down to nothing, but our girl is too fucking strong for you. You’re a shit mother and a crap human being. I hope she lets Swift kill you.”

I blink at his tone, at his vitriolic words. Ethan has never been like this with me. He’s always soft and sweet and kinda nerdy with his computer hacking skills. I mean, sure, he held my head in place and fucked my mouth like a demon, but that was a good kind of rough.

I guess this is too, if the way my pussy flutters at his words is any indication.

I hop off the table and look at Ethan. “Can you drain her accounts?”

Ethan’s brow furrows. “I mean, yeah, I can do that no problem. Where should I send it?”

I wave a hand. “I don’t fucking care… give it to a charity that helps children of shitty parents or something.”

“You can’t do that!” My mother wails. “I’ll have nothing.”

Swift grins. “Guess you’ll have to get a genuine job then, huh? Actually, have to work for a day in your fucking life?” He’s enjoying this too much.

“You didn’t earn that money. I did,” I say, stalking over to her, not flinching away from the blood slowly dripping onto the floor. “I earned it with fevers and body aches and nausea so bad I couldn’t keep anything down for days. I earned it with countless hours spent in a doctor’s office. I earned it by having someone else’s blood pumped into me repeatedly. I fucking earned it with pain so goddamn intense that what Swift has done to you here is like being tickled. The only thing you did was sign away your daughter’s body, her health, her hormones, her scent. You picked up a pen and signed on the dotted line with a fucking flourish. I paid in blood and sweat, tears and bile. I paid with my hormones. That money is mine, and I’m going to take it from you.”

Swift’s staring at me with a hungry glint in his eyes. “Fuck, Cherrybomb, you’re so damn sexy when you’re laying down the law like that. I think I want you to use that exact tone on me while you order me to fuck you.”

I arch a brow at him while Ethan cocks his head. “What about the house? Should we take that too?”

I’m tempted to say yes. I want her to be desperate and alone and afraid of what might happen to her, but also, she’s my mother. The only one I’ve got. I shake my head. “Let’s give her until the end of the month.”

Swift laughs. “You giving her an eviction notice, Cherrybomb?“

I shrug. “Yep. At the end of the month, let’s sell the place and the proceeds can go to the same charity.”

Ethan’s nodding while he types on his phone. “This is a lot of money, heartbreaker. You sure you don’t want to keep it?”

“So sure. It feels like dirty money. Like it’s tainted.”

Swift tilts his head at me, white blond hair glinting in the harsh overhead lights. “I hate to break it to you, Cherrybomb, but our money’s not exactly clean either.”

“Doesn’t mean we’re not going to use the fuck out of it to take care of you,” Ethan adds.

I hesitate. I know they’re right to some extent. Having extra money wouldn’t be a bad thing. Especially if this goes the way I’m worried it’s going to. Where they realize that I’m not their omega and they want to find their true scent match.

“Maybe half?” I say hesitantly.

“You can always donate it later if you decide that’s what you want to do.,” Ethan’s already making adjustments.

After a couple of minutes, he beams up at me. “There. Done!” He holds out his phone to me and I see it’s on a screen showing a donation to a charity that helps omegas who have been abused by their families or packs. It helps them get to safe places and legally separate from their abusers, though with bonded omegas there is no true escape.

The donation amount is nearly seven figures. And that’s half of what she had.

Half of what she thought I was worth. Actually, it’s probably more… seeing as she’s been living off this for years.

Nausea sweeps my stomach. I shove Ethan’s phone back at him. “I need to go,” I mumble, already heading toward the door. My chest is tight and so is my throat and my eyes are pricking.

Ethan’s warm hand curls around my elbow, supporting me as I leave Swift’s work room. The alpha I leave behind growls in his throat and snarls something at my mother.
