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All of us stand there, looking on in horror as tears fill our omega’s eyes.

What the hell?

“Oh, mo chuisle,” Logan murmurs, rushing to wrap his arm around her. She whimpers and grabs onto him like he’s the tether she needs to keep her grounded. “What’s the matter?”

She doesn’t pull her face from his chest where she’s taking deep breaths of his scent. “I don’t know,” she whines. “I don’t fucking know! You bought me things and apparently that’s enough to make me feel emotional? God, being an omega sucks!”

Logan slides his hand up to the back of her neck where he grips her, making her shudder under his touch. “It’s okay to be emotional, Sadie. Being an omega, you’ll like gifts a lot. And I’m sure a part of you realizes that this is us courting you, trying to prove we can take care of you, even though we’ve done a pretty shit job so far.”

Sadie sniffles into his shirt. “It’s just a lot, you know?”

I note she doesn’t rush to tell us we haven’t done that bad of a job. Not that I blame her.

Luca presses into her back, a purr rumbling from his chest, and she melts between the two alphas. Silver eyes slipping closed as her tears dry up.

Watching them, I have a moment of jealousy. Being a beta, I’ll never be able to do that for her. I’ll never calm her with a purr or my soothing pheromones. I’ll never bite her and bond her the way an alpha can. Fuck, do I want that. I’ll never be able to give her what she truly needs during a heat, a knot.

I’m not an alpha.

But that won’t stop me from trying to be everything else she’ll need.

Which in this pack is likely going to be someone who is more of a friend than a commanding alpha. If she needs to talk about anything, I’ll listen. I’ll let her get it off her chest.

And I think that might be something she needs right now.

I can’t even imagine what she’s been going through and feeling. Being a beta myself, I don’t know what I’d do if I suddenly revealed as an omega long after hope of that had vanished.

“I’m not like this normally,” Sadie mutters, still nuzzled into Logan’s chest. “I’m better at keeping my emotions on lock down. But everything feels like more. More volatile anger. Deeper sadness. Frustration. Happiness. Everything is just…” she shakes her head. “Its fucking… bizarre.”

Logan soothes his hand up and down her spine. “Its part of being an omega. A new omega. The same thing happens to alphas. Our emotions and instincts are nearly impossible to control when we first present. We’re more likely to lash out, become overly aggressive and protective of what’s ours. It can take some time for things to balance out.”

“If it ever does,” Luca says into the top of her hair. “I’m pretty sure Swift is still experiencing that imbalance. And that’s why he is the way he is.”

Sadie pulls back and arches a brow at her bonded alpha. “You think that’s why he likes blood and torture? Because his alpha hormones are out of whack?”

He hums. “Well, when you put it like that, maybe not. Must just be a psycho.”

She smiles a small thing, but a smile none-the-less, which I wasn’t sure would be possible on a day like this. “But he’s our psycho.”

“We’re all yours,“ Luca corrects.

A flicker passes over her face, and that tiny smile melts into a frown. She steps away from the alpha sandwich and glances at the boxes. “So you bought me a bunch of stuff, huh?”

There’s a clatter at the top of the stairs and Swift appears, breathing heavy, white blond hair still dripping like he didn’t take the time to properly dry off before slinging on a pair of sweatpants and hurrying downstairs. Maddox is right on his heels.

“Did you give them to her yet?” Swift pants, sliding on bare feet in front of our omega.

I watch her reaction carefully. I mean, she did just see him slice into her mother’s skin for answers, terrified and torture the woman who gave birth to her. But Sadie doesn’t flinch away from him as he slides his cheek along hers, scent marking her, and then he licks along the length of her jaw. Her nose wrinkles as she pushes him away. “Ew, Swift! That’s so fucking gross.”

He gives her a cocky smirk as he laces they’re fingers together and pulls her over to the stack of boxes. “You didn’t seem to mind when I licked you before.”

Sadie’s sweet perfume hits the air and her cheeks flush bright pink. “That was different.”

He shakes his head as the rest of us trail behind them. “Its not different. You’re my omega. I’m gonna lick you all over. I’m gonna to taste every inch of your body.”

Another waft of perfume. So fucking sweet it makes my teeth ache to sink into her and I’m not an alpha. I can only imagine how everyone else is feeling right now. Well, I don’t have to imagine it, because they all have their pack bonds open, so I get a wave of lust and desire and possessive arousal from all corners. Makes my dick hard immediately.

Sadie swallows down her own burgeoning desire and tilts her head at the boxes. “I really don’t need all this stuff.”
