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She hesitates as she looks down at the sweater in her hands, the red ne Swift bought her. “Really?”

“Yeah, heartbreaker, really. Besides, you didn’t really think we’re going to let you just waltz out of here. You understand that you’re ours now. Right, Sadie? You belong to Pack Falcone. You belong with us. But if you need some time to unwind and relax, we can absolutely do that.”

She swallows thickly, then drops the sweater and pushes up to her toes, winding her arms around my neck to pull me closer. Her forehead presses into my neck as I hug her back. “Thank you, Ethan,” she murmurs. “I’m totally freaking out here. I don’t know what to do. But I don’t really want to leave.”

My heart clenches as I urge her closer, lifting her off her feet with a hand under her ass and carrying her over to the bed, where I sit on the edge with her straddling me. “You’re doing just fine, baby. There’s been a lot of big changes recently. But you're strong and you’re going to get through this. We’ll make sure of it, Sadie. It’s what a pack does.”

“I’m not pack.” Her voice is small and hurt and uncertain.

“You sure as fuck are,” I rumble back at her. “You might not be a full pack member with all of their alpha bites on your pretty neck, but you’re still pack.” I use a hand laced through her hair to tug her back, giving me space to slide my other palm over my heart. “We can all feel it in here, Sade. It’s the same feeling I had when I first saw Luca, when he saved me from those assholes. I felt the same thing with Swift and Logan and Maddox when they stopped kicking my ass long enough for the bond to settle. You are meant to be with us.”

Sadie hesitantly slides her hand over mine on my chest, her brows drawn together. “You feel it too?”

A relieved smile curls my lips. “Yeah, baby, I feel it too. Why do you think I didn’t stop Luca from bonding with you that first night? I knew you were ours. And I’m a beta. You can only imagine how those other assholes feel about it. It’s a wonder they haven’t all knotted and bit you yet.”

She hums, fingers swirling circles over the back of my hand, silver eyes focused on the movement. “Ethan?”

“Yeah, baby?”

Her cheeks flush pink as she lifts her silver eyes to mine. “Will you fuck me?”

My dick tightens, swells, until it’s pressing against my zipper. I lean forward and nip at her lips. “With pleasure, heartbreaker.”

Chapter 21: In which I play with some balls

I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this.

I tilt my head at the sign on the building and then glance over at my pack. “Really?”

Ethan grins at me, all pretty boy charm, loving my shock. “Really.”

Swift slips up behind me, wraps an arm over my shoulders and pulls me against his chest, his chin resting on the top of my head. “We usually come once a month as a pack. It’s our bonding experience.”

I tilt my head back to meet his gold eyes. “Aren’t you already bonded?”

“This is a different kind of bond.” Luca laces his fingers with mine. “We spend one afternoon decimating another pack. It makes us have a bond of battle.”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “Oh, yes, a real Band of Brothers situation. I can see that.”

Logan laughs too, seemingly the only one who realizes how ridiculous that statement is. Everyone else remains serious as hell. “You watched Band of Brothers?”

I shrug, tucking my hair behind my ears. “Didn’t everyone?” I’m trying to sound nonchalant as hell. But if I’m honest, I love that mini series. I rewatch it every year in June. “I’m pretty sure Speirs is my spirit soldier.”

Ethan ducks to meet my eyes as Swift presses a kiss to my temple. “None of that sprinting across a battlefield bullshit here, heartbreaker. No heroics, okay?”

“No promises.” I look up at the building, shaking my head again.

Paintball. They brought their omega to paintball.

I can’t tell if I’m flattered that they think enough of me to bring me to this, or if I’m upset that they’d knowingly put me in danger. Not like death danger, but like… pain danger.

“Come on,” Maddox holds a hand out to me, grinning when I slide my palm against his. We’ve come a long way in a few short days. “Let’s get you suited up for battle.”

Battle. A shiver works its way over my skin, and I dig in my heels. “Doesn’t this hurt?”

Luca presses a hand to my lower back and urges me toward the building. I think about fighting, but I’m pretty sure the five men around me won’t let me get out of this. Besides, I’m not sure I actually want to. There’s a prickle of excitement in my stomach as they pull open the door and usher me inside.

“It can,” he agrees, as we make our way over to the registration desk. I know Ethan called ahead, but we still need to check in. “But no one is going to even get close to you.”
