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Swift grins at me, all teeth. “If they do, I’ll rip out their throats.”

I blink, not sure if he’s serious or not.

Probably not, right?

Maddox tugs me over to the counter and situates me in front of him, his enormous body curled over mine as the guy behind the counter turns to greet us. “Oh, hey, Mr. Falcone. Checking in?”

Maddox nods against the side of my head, his cheek brushing his scent over me. “Yep. For six this time.”

The guy’s gaze flickers over me, the barest amount of appreciation in their depths. Maddox growls and tugs me closer, but I just roll my eyes. The guy pales and swallows hard, yanking his gaze away from me.

I stroke my fingers over my prime alpha’s forearm to soothe him, and I’m more than a little surprised when it actually works. The growl fizzles out in his chest. He presses a kiss to the side of my head and then gently nudges me away from him, toward Luca and Ethan standing nearby.

They latch onto me immediately, dragging me over to a table full of protective gear. “Nervous?” Luca asks, sliding a thick vest over my head. It reminds me of the kevlar ones that the cops always wear on TV shows.

I shrug. “Not really.”

“Have you been paint balling before?” Ethan asks, as Luca tightens the velcro straps, making sure the vest won’t go anywhere. The beta’s long fingers pull all of my hair back over my shoulders and gently combing it out. It only takes me a moment to realize he’s getting ready to French braid it.

Makes sense. I don’t want it to get in the way when I’m sprinting across the battle field dodging paint balls.

“I haven’t,” I answer him. “But I think the concept is fairly easy to understand, right? Point and shoot?”

Swift chuckles as he comes up to us, carrying two guns, one in each hand like some kind of action hero. He hands one of them to me and I take it, surprised at how heavy it actually is. Ethan’s fingers make quick work of twisting my hair back and when he’s done, he presses a quick kiss over Luca’s mating mark, making me shiver.

“There’s a little more to it than point and shoot.” Luca plops a helmet on my head and then tightens the strap under my chin. I arch a brow at him.


He bends and kisses my nose. “Really. We aren’t taking chances with your safety, vixen.”

“Are you guys wearing any protective gear?”

They laugh. Like full on belly laughs, like the idea of that is insane. “We’ll put on masks,” Logan says. “We don’t want any paintballs to the face. But we’re used to the impact now.”

I hum. “What if I want to play without a vest?”

“Not happening, trouble,” Maddox growls as he joins us, crossing his arms. The five of them look like some kind of special ops force. Wearing all black tactical gear, but no protective vest. Instead, they’re in long sleeve black shirts that cling to their muscles, and make my mouth water.

Do we really need to do paint balling? Maybe we should just go home and… touch each other. Touch each other? Really, Sade? You can’t come up with something better than that?

Maddox smirks and folds his arms over his chest like he can read my thoughts. My cheeks flush and I look away, avoiding eye contact as they strap me into the gear that should keep me from getting hurt.

Once I’m fully kitted out to their satisfaction, they guide me outside, where the guy who checked us in is standing with another group of eight guys. All of them are big, and muscly and looking like they want to rip someone’s head off.

Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t take part. Something tells me they won’t go easy on me just because I’m a female omega.

Swift bounces on his feet when he sees the pack we’re up against, a pleased laugh falling from his mouth. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.” He leans over and nuzzles my temple, or as close as he can get while I’m wearing a helmet. “These assholes think they’re big men. They’ll want to prove themselves against us.”

I arch a brow and look up at him. “And that’s fun?”

“When we decimate them, it will be.” He sounds so sure that I chuckle.

The guy who checked us in motions us closer, until he’s between the two packs, and we’re all facing off against one another.

A few of them take note of me right away, eyes widening just slightly at my small stature and slight frame, like they can’t believe my pack would be stupid enough to bring a female to an activity like paintball.

Well, fuck them. I might be a girl, and I’ve never shot a gun in my life, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still be a badass.
