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“Are you complaining, omega?” I ask, nuzzling my nose into her neck, inhaling the warm, sated scent wafting off of her as my alpha preens. We pleasured our mate, made her come, and now she’s a happy, lazy, sated mess. I fucking love it.

“Not at all.” Sadie’s hand reaches back to lace into my hair. “Ten out of ten. Would recommend.”

Pain explodes in my hip, along with a wet smack of paint. “Fuck!” I roar as a paintball explodes on my bare skin. I drop down, flattening Sadie to the ground, covering as much of my omega as I can. My pack will never forgive me if she gets bruised from this. Hell, I’ll never forgive myself if I got too wrapped up in fucking her and she got hurt.

Under me, Sadie tenses, the languid, sated heat of her dissipating in a moment. Thank god I didn’t knot her. It was a close fucking thing.

“Logan?” she whispers, pressing her head back to rub along my cheek. Trying to soothe me with her scent. My chest warms with adoration. I adore this woman. Mo chuisle. Literally. I’m pretty sure if anything happened to her, my heart would stop beating too.

“Hey, asshole.” I relax at the familiar voice, sagging all of my weight onto Sadie, who giggles. Fucking giggles, making her pussy clench on my cock in a way that has me groaning. “Maybe don’t fuck our omega out here in public, where anyone could see.”

“She likes it.” I nuzzle into her neck, pressing a kiss there, before lifting myself off of her. We both groan a bit as I slip from inside her, and my cum spills onto her thighs. Just like I imagined it would.

“Most gorgeous sight I’ve ever seen,” Maddox murmurs, staring down at us with his dark eyes. Sadie wiggles against the ground, and I’m not sure what she’s trying to accomplish, but all it does is make my dick hard again. A glance at Maddox tells me he’s in a similar state.

She glances over her shoulder at us before asking, “either of you gonna help me clean up?”

Maddox grins and kneels next to our omega, yanking off his glove. I think he’s going to use it to wipe her up, remove the white drips from between her thighs and I almost tell him not to, but then he’s swiping up all my cum with two fingers and fucking it back into Sadie’s pretty little pussy. She moans and bucks her hips back into his hand.

“Gotta keep it where it belongs,” he says to me and I grunt out my agreement. Fuck. I’m hard again. My cock bobbing against my abs, leaking pre-cum. My knot is already swelling, like it knows that my omega is close and I haven’t knotted her, even though I filled her up.

I might be hard until I actually knot Sadie, until I feel her lock down on me.

“Please,” Sadie pants out, pressing up like she’s going to flip around. Maddox presses his free hand between her shoulder pinning her to the ground, keeping her in a place like I had earlier as he slowly finger fucks her into another orgasm that has her panting and shivering on the ground, her perfume lingering on the air around us.

“That’s it, trouble,” he croons to her. “That’s such a good omega, gripping my fingers so fucking tight. You want every drop of Logan’s cum buried so deep in that pussy, hmm? Yeah, you do. Yeah, you fucking do. Can’t wait until your heat. We’re all gonna fill you up so good and you’ll be our good cum slut, won’t you?”

She’s limp when he’s finished, eyes drooping closed, only to snap open again to watch as Maddox licks both of us off his fingers, groaning at the combined taste. Another shiver wracks our omega.

Maddox and I lift her off the ground, holding her steady as we rearrange her clothes so she’s covered again. We don’t clean my cum from between her legs, and I fucking love the idea of that, of my seed staying right where it fucking is, buried in our omega, soaking into her panties, smearing her thighs.

Her brain’s coming back online by the time we have her fully clothed. Those pretty gray eyes focusing more, taking in the trees and the little structures meant to provide coverage. She drags her gaze over Maddox and then to me, with my cock still hanging out, my black cargo pants dropping off my hips.

A soft cry escapes her kiss-swollen lips.

“Logan!” She lunges toward me, hands hovering over my bare ass, and the bruise that’s forming there. “You’re hurt!”

I chuckle and pull my black pants up, wincing just slightly when the fabric touches the bruise. I’ve been hit with a paintball before, but never on my bare fucking skin, and that shit definitely hurts. Still, Sadie’s clearly worried about me, so I lean forward and press a kiss to her pouty mouth. “Worth it, mo chuisle. So fucking worth it.”

Her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink, as her hand curls in my vest, pulling me a little closer to kiss me deeper, little teeth nipping at my lower lip, making me groan.

She pulls back, frowning, which I don’t like at all, but then she whirls on Maddox. “Why’d you shoot him?”

Our prime alpha grins and shrugs. “He compromised your safety to get his dick wet. A bruise on his ass is the least he deserves.”

Well, fuck, he’s not wrong.

Sadie stalks over to him, her scowl deepening. “What danger is there at a paintball field, Dox? I’m perfectly safe.”

“You’re not perfectly safe anywhere, Sadie,” he says, gently though. Not harsh like normal. “I don’t have to remind you of what we do, do I? Who we are? Being out with us, seen with us, puts a target on your back automatically.”

The fight fizzles out of our omega. “Oh, right. I-I did forget that.”

Maddox tugs her into his chest gently, wrapping his arms around her and cradling her against him, one of his big hands cupping the back of her head, like she’s the most precious thing in the world. It’s quite possible she is.

I never in a million years thought I would see Maddox Falcone be soft with anyone. And this little slip of a beta turned omega has managed it.

More footsteps sound across the ground as Luca, Ethan, and Swift come into view. Our beta has the flag, twirling it around his pointer finger. “Did they even get close?” he asks, blue eyes shining bright.
