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I want to believe him. I do. But the rest of our pack is out there. They’re in the line of fire and that means they can get hurt.

They could die. Oh, fuck.

The thought of that has a whine pulling out of me. Omega stress hormones flood the air around us with my distress.

“Fuck, Sadie,” Luca murmurs, opening our bond wide, sending soothing vibes to me. “Please don’t make that noise. Please. It drives me crazy and makes me want to hunt down whoever made you feel like that. But I need to stay right here with you, keeping you safe. Okay? Please, baby. I promise we’re fine. Everyone is gonna be fine. I can feel them, remember?”

A shuddering breath gusts out of me at the reminder. Yes, of course. Luca can feel them, even if I can’t. He knows that they’re safe.

I nod against his chest and swallow down the whines and whimpers that my omega wants to make as we just wait.

I’m not sure how long we lay there, waiting, waiting, waiting.

But eventually the gun shots stop and Luca pulls back, looking down at me with worry in his eyes. “You’re okay?”

I nod, hands moving to flutter over his bleeding shoulder. “I’m fine. But you’re bleeding, Luca. A lot. I should put pressure on it, right? That’s a thing they do in movies?”

Half his mouth quirks into a smile and then he’s laughing. At me. In this situation. Right after he’s been shot, and he’s laughing.

My hands drop away from him. “I fail to see what’s funny about this,” I sniff, going for disdain, but unfortunately it comes out watery as hell. Tears prick my eyes and Luca blurs as the amusement falls from his face.

“Fuck, vixen, baby. You’re right, there’s nothing funny about this. Please, don’t cry.”

“You were shot!” I wail, tears streaming fully now. I press a dirty hand over my eyes, trying to stem the flow. “You’re fucking bleeding all over me and you’re laughing about it!”

Great big sobs wrack my body, and I’m half embarrassed, half relieved. I was starting to worry that something was truly fucking wrong with me, since I haven’t had a breakdown with all the bullshit in my life. Luca scrambles up to a sitting position, then winces as he pulls me onto his lap, situating me so I’m straddling his hips with my forehead pressed against the column of his throat.

“It’s okay, baby,” he murmurs into my hair, one hand cupping the back of my head, holding me to him as the other rubs circles between my shoulder blades. “I’m okay. The rest of the pack is okay. Everything’s gonna be fine. I promise.”

As if to prove his point, there’s a thundering of boots approaching us. Luca stiffens for about a half second before he relaxes again and it’s enough to let me know that it’s our pack, so I stay snuggled against him, breathing in his fruity spiced brandy scent.

Boozy coconut beach wafts over me as Swift drops to his knees next to me, one of his hands gripping the back of my neck to tug me away from Luca gently. He cups my cheek, thumb running over the blood splattered on my skin. “You’re alright, Cherrybomb?”

I nod and sniff, trying to hold back my tears and failing. “It’s not my blood. Its Luca’s.” The statement ends on a wail, and I feel all of them exchange a look. Apparently, they aren’t sure what to do with an overly emotional omega, either.

Luca presses a kiss to my temple and then I’m being handed off to Swift. I struggle for a moment, trying to stay with my wounded alpha, but Logan is there, hand wrapped around the back of my neck, thumb stroking my pulse point, as he says gently, “I need to check him out, okay, mo chuisle? I want to make sure he’s okay.”

I swallow and nod. “Okay.”

Swift sits cross-legged and arranges me on his lap, with my back to his chest, arms wrapped around me tight, and so I can watch as Logan cuts away Luca’s shirt to reveal the wound underneath. I let out a relieved breath when I see he’s right. It looks like just a graze.

Logan prods at the gash. “Might need a handful of stitches. But nothing too bad.” He leans back. “I’ve got my emergency kit in the car. I can stitch you up here, or we can go home first.”

“Home first,” I blurt out, tears still leaking out of my eyes. “I want to wash it out before you stitch it.”

Four sets of eyes land on me with varying degrees of softness. My face flames. “Sorry. I umm.. Whatever you want to do. I just thought… there might be dirt or something.”

Logan bites his lower lip like he’s fighting a grin. “Well, I was planning on making sure it’s clean first.” He looks back at Luca. “Whatever you want, man.”

Luca’s gaze latches onto me. “I think we can go home first. Let our omega take care of me the way she wants to.”

Logan laughs as Swift cuddles me closer. “I don’t blame you.” The pack doctor pushes to his feet and holds out a hand to Luca to help him stand. “Come on.”

My head swims a little as Swift pushes to his feet, not the least bit concerned about doing so with my added weight. He just adjusts his grip and stands up. “I can walk,” I say, breathless.

He grins down at me. “I’m aware, but I like carrying my cherrybomb. I’d carry you everywhere if I could. Never let your feet touch the ground like the fucking queen you are.”

My stomach flips over at his words, warmth spilling through me. When he says things like that, it makes me want to kiss him. Makes me want to drop to my knees and take his cock in my mouth. It makes me want to present for my alpha and beg him to bite me, bond me.
