Page 7 of One Taste

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“Fine.” She let the notebook fall back into her purse with a tiny eye roll. “The objective baker. I’ll remember that.”

When her slim shoulder playfully pushed into the side of my arm, I let my hand drop and move to the small of her back.

That simple contact was all it took.

Heat snaked up my arm, and a possessiveness burrowed its way into my chest. Suddenly people walking by were too close. The air was too chilled. The eyes of passersby—too curious.

I let my arm drop and flexed my hand.

Had she noticed it too?

I cleared my throat, but it did nothing to clear my swirling thoughts.

We moved through the crowd until we reached the edge of the beach. To the right, more tents with snacks, crafters, food, and beer and wine tastings dotted the small parking lot. Up ahead, a pier jutted into Lake Michigan, a lighthouse at the end.

“Wow, that’s incredible.” The breathlessness in her voice stirred my insides.

“Come on.” I motioned with my head. “Let’s take a look at it.”

Side by side, we walked down the long pier. Families stopped to take iconic Lake Michigan photos. Several men had large fishing poles cast out into the water. The waves crashed against the rocks and cement blocks, creating a calming rhythm in the late-morning air.

When we reached the lighthouse at the edge of the pier, I turned. “Well there it is. The Fireside Flannel Festival of Outtatowner, Michigan.”

Cass looked around. The open air whipped through her thick brown strands. “It’s quaint. Heartwarming.” She looked around again. “Though I did expect more fire at the Fireside Flannel Festival.”

I nodded. “Ah, right. Well, that’s tonight.” I pointed toward the long stretch of sandy beach. Dotted along the shore were stacks of wood, waiting for night to fall. “Tonight, all along the beach will be bonfires, music. The crowd shifts from tourists and families to a full-on townie takeover.”

“No outsiders allowed, I’m sure.”

I stifled a smile. “I don’t know about that. You could get in if you know someone.” I took the opening, stepping into her space and breathing her in––the soft floral scent with the freshwater air. “Would you like to come with me tonight and see it yourself? You can spend a little time prying information from the nicknameless baker.”

The pulse in her neck beat wildly. I watched in slow agony as she swallowed and the muscles in her neck worked. I wanted to plant my mouth on that delicate skin and feel her pulse beat beneath my tongue.

“I would love that.”



The walk up the pier and then back to my car was a haze. Huck Benton had charmed me and somehow left me breathless and dizzy. When he opened my door and watched me drive away to my hotel room, I could hardly breathe.

He was tall and thick. Stocky in the best ways while being charming and a gentleman. I couldn’t manage to think of much else, so after I returned to my hotel room, I spent the afternoon hours trying to write something––anything––for the article due to my micromanager of an editor in a matter of days.

My mind kept drifting back to Huck. For the twelve millionth time, I checked the clock. We’d agreed to meet at the pier around seven, and he would accompany me to the bonfires. I’d seen beach bonfires only in the movies and was giddy with anticipation.

It had nothing to do with the hunky baker and the way he smelled like good cologne and sweet honey.

Definitely not.

The autumn sky was darkening to an inky blue-black with the first speckles of starlight beginning to peep through. I made the walk down the marina pathway toward the sandy beach. Music floated over the night air, and laughter mingled with acoustic guitar strings. The crowd had thinned considerably. I passed only a few other people on my way down to the water, but they still offered friendly nods in greeting.

Then, there he was.

Silhouetted by the moonlight, Huck’s large frame was impossible to miss. He stood, hands in his pockets and feet planted wide, waiting for me.

As I got closer, the furrow between his brows smoothed, and a devastatingly handsome smile lifted, crinkling the corners of his eyes.

In one swift move, I stepped into his space, tucking myself against his firm chest and slipping my arms around his waist. His massive arms wrapped around me and squeezed.
