Page 45 of Dark as Knight

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I’m instantly annoyed but give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she just didn’t stop in yet.

Me: Why not?

This time, there’s no three little dots. I leave the chat open on my phone, turning to focus on work. I glance back at my screen more than a dozen times, my focus completely shot. I pick it up and call her.

“Hello, darling,” she says coldly.

“Why didn’t you tell them?” I blurt out, trying to keep calm.

“Just didn’t come up.”

“Didn’t come up?” She says nothing. “The fact you went on your honeymoon because you got married didn’t come up when they asked about your trip?”

“Nope.” She’s trying to get under my skin. I let out a frustrated sigh because it’s working.

“What have you done this afternoon?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

“Are you checking up on me?”

“No, I’m simply asking because I’m interested in your day.” It’s silent for several seconds.

“I was in the garden with Oliver. He was showing me around.”

“Lovely.” I smile against the phone. “Plan to be ready to leave by six.”

“Yes, dear,” she says sweetly. “I miss you already.”

Her sarcasm makes me laugh. “Good to know you’re still being a brat. I’ll see you at dinner.” I hang up the phone, turning my attention back to work, the only thing that can keep me from driving home right now and teaching her a lesson.

I opt to get ready at my office since the dinner is downtown, Oliver bringing Stella when he picks me up. I slide into the back seat, Stella’s perfume permeating the air. It’s sexy with a hint of spice.

“Good evening.” I look over at her dress, the blood red making her pale skin almost glow in the moonlight. She looks breathtaking, her hair in long curls down her exposed back. “I like the dress.” She looks out the window, not bothering to reply. “Stella.” I reach for her hand, but she pulls it away.

“Stella.” This time I say her name more firmly as I grab her hand. “Look at me.” She finally turns, her lips set in a hard line. “You’re my wife, so please behave like it this evening.”

“I am behaving like it. I’m a wife who’s pissed at her husband,” she snaps back.

“That may be but for now, put on a smile and get over it.” Oliver puts the car in park and steps out to open our door in front of the restaurant. Several of the people here tonight are on the board. The door swings open and Oliver extends a hand to Stella who gracefully exits the car.

I rest my hand against the bare skin of her back, the material dropping so low that if my finger slips beneath it, I’ll be touching her ass. That jealous rage rears its ugly head, my stomach knotting at the thought of other men looking at her. I know the thoughts that go through their heads as she walks across the room, her body making every man in the place practically break their neck to get a peek.

I slide my hand farther around her waist, tightening my grip on her as we head toward our table.

“Do you mind?” she says through a fake smile as she looks over at me. “You’re going to leave bruises.” She exaggerates but it only makes me hold her closer.

“I hope I do, then everyone will know you’ve been claimed, sweetheart.” My hand slides down and I grab her ass just as we approach the table.

“There’s the man of the hour!” my attorney, Frank, says as he comes around the table to hug me. “Congratulations to the happy couple.” He looks at Stella.

“Thanks. Frank, this is my wife, Stella. Stella, this is Frank, my attorney.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” She smiles, shaking his hand.

“Oh, trust me,” he says, looking around at the table. “I think I speak for everyone when I say the pleasure is mine.” He laughs and others join in.

I go around and introduce Stella to those she didn’t meet at the function before the wedding and offer a hello to those she did.

“So before all of the boys start in,” Frank’s wife, Maureen, says giddily across the table, “can we hear how this happened?”
