Page 47 of Dark as Knight

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“See, this right here is why I remind you about the contract. It outlined clearly that you are to obey me.”

“And that means I can’t have boundaries? I’m tired, Atlas.”

“And I want you in my bedroom, now.” I point toward the door, but she doesn’t move. She crosses her arms over her chest defiantly. I take the two steps toward, grabbing her and tossing her over my shoulder.

“What the hell!” She pounds on my back as I walk her down the hall, kicking open my bedroom door before tossing her onto my bed. She bounces slightly, sitting up and attempting to scoot off, but I lean down and pin her to the bed.

“We are not going to bed angry,” I insist, pinning her hands above her head as I stretch across her body.

“Then apologize!” she says, pulling against my grip, but it’s no use.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I really am sorry for making you feel like an idiot, but you try my patience.”

“I won’t apologize for that. I’m a strong-willed woman and I won’t be treated as less than.” I stare down at her, finally releasing her arms and sitting up. She sits up too, rubbing her wrist. I take her arm, running my hands over where I just left a red mark.

“I would never want you to apologize for that. I really like that about you. Respect that, actually. I think we just need to learn to communicate better but,” I say, before giving in completely, “I do demand a level of obedience from you. If it’s on the calendar, you have to attend. Obviously not if you’re sick but there’s no more excuses, Stella. I need you in this with me.”

She nods, scooting to the edge of the bed to sit next to me. “Deal. I can try to be better at communicating as well.” I bump against her shoulder and she finally smiles at me.

“Would you like to watch a movie?”

“Really?” Her eyes light up. “Yes, I’d love to.”

“Great. How about we change, you pick the movie, and I’ll grab a dessert.”

When she returns a little later, she’s in a pale-pink pajama set with strawberries all over them, her hair in a wild bun on top her head and her face washed clean of makeup. Her bare legs grab my attention but I quickly look back up to her face, my eyes wanting so bad to linger on her breasts which I’m almost confident are braless beneath her top.

She stands in my bedroom doorway. “Should I meet you in the living room or do you have a secret theater in this house?”

“I do have a theater.” I tilt my head, trying to remember the last time I used it. “I think there is anyway.”

“Of course there is.” She laughs.

“But no, we’ll watch it in here.” I reach for the remote on my nightstand and hit a button, a custom flat-screen TV coming into view at the base of the bed.

“Did that just come up out of the ground?” She walks over and looks at it.

“It’s built into the bed frame.” I reach into my pajama pockets and pull out a few bags of candy I grabbed from the pantry downstairs. “Not sure what your preference is but I picked fruity and chocolate.”

“So, we’re watching it in bed?”

“Yes. Why? Nervous?” I tease her.

“No, we both know your rules.”

“Yeah, well, we both know you’ve gotten me to break them, haven’t you?” She pauses mid crawl onto the bed.

“I didn’t make you break them.”

I stare at her, my eyes going straight down her shirt where I see a full glimpse of her tits. “Yes, you did, doing shit like that,” I say, motioning toward her shirt. She looks down and stands back up.

“Oh, come on, that wasn’t on purpose.”

“But wearing no bra with a thin little top while lying in bed with me is.” Once again, I don’t know where I’m going with this or why I feel it’s necessary to torture myself like this.

“Is movie night going to turn into a fight?”

“No,” I say, walking across the room and grabbing one of my hoodies. I toss it toward her. “Put this on.”
