Page 75 of Dark as Knight

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“What was that, sir?”

“I said, that makes sense.”

“What makes sense, sir?”

“The timeline.” His eyes linger a little longer on mine in the mirror this time before he looks back at the road. “Did she seduce you before or after she left me?”

“I—I’m sorry, sir?” His face grows red as he grips the steering wheel tighter.

“Let’s cut the shit, Mac. There’s no need to play like the coy, dumb kid who barely knows his head from his ass. I’m aware that you told my wife I offered her to you.”

“I—” I hold up my hand and he snaps his mouth closed.

“Was it before or after she left?”

“Before,” he finally says through a cracked voice.

“As suspected.” I debate on breaking his heart, considering shielding him from the reality of the woman he probably thinks loves him back. “She doesn’t love you, Mac. Never did. I know Eleanor and she used you. I don’t know what she promised you either. Money? A life together?”

“Yes,” he finally says in defeat.

“Yeah, neither of those will happen. She will turn around and threaten to destroy you, blackmail you, or something of the sort.”

“H—how do you know that?” he stammers, the hope quickly dwindling from his eyes.

“Because Eleanor is just like me and that’s exactly what I would do to you.” His face falters.

“She wouldn’t do that, she—I think she really does love me.”

“Well, I hope for your sake that she does and that you two will live happily ever after together, but let’s be honest. Hope is shit and I’m here to bring you reality because you fucking crossed me and you lied to my wife and almost cost me her.” I’m done being nice. “So I’ll tell you what’s going to happen next, Mac. You’re going to text your little girlfriend and have her meet you at my office. Then the two of you will listen as I explain to you how this is going to play out.”

I swing the door open and step out of the car once we reach the parking garage. Mac parks and gets out of the car, his squat stature almost shaking as he steps into the elevator with me.

“She’s on her way,” he confirms, sliding his phone into his pocket.

“One thing I still can’t figure out though,” I say as I look over at him. “How’d you find out about the contract?”

“Contract?” He squints.

“The one you mentioned to Stella.”

“Oh.” He shrugs. “I didn’t know what the contract was about. I just said to Stella what Eleanor told me to say.”

“Interesting.” We exit the elevator, making our way to my office. “Good morning, Florence.” I nod toward her.

“Good morning, Mr. Knight.” She smiles back at me, then waves to Mac.

“So then how did she know?” I turn to face him once I close the door behind us. His face is pale, almost yellow.

“I—I let her into the house that night, the night I left the gate open. I erased the footage of her in your house.”

“And the part I did see on the video, of you and her outside the gate, was that when she left and you didn’t realize the frame caught it?” He nods, his hands dropping down to his stomach.

“Ca—can I use the bathroom?” Mac asks nervously, a thin layer of sweat accumulating on his upper lip. The kid looks like he’s seconds away from losing his breakfast on my office floor.

“There,” I say, pointing toward the door to the left. He darts for the restroom, the door slamming behind him.

Before he re-emerges, there’s a gentle tap on my office door. Eleanor swings it open, stepping into the room with a triumphant grin on her face before I even have the chance to say a word.
