Page 19 of A Bear's Protection

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Ten minutes later,she heard sirens, and then a cop car sped into the parking lot of the motel. A moment later, Ash got out, still looking every inch the hot cop in his uniform, back straight, bearing military.

Cora felt herself blush when she saw him.

Then, the guy he’d been with the other night also got out of the car. He was wearing nice jeans and a dark blue button-down shirt, his hair free this morning, dancing around his jaw.

She had no idea what he was doing there, but she wasn’t going to complain.

“Thanks for coming,” she told them.

Ash adjusted his hat slightly, and then put his hand out.

“It’s no problem at all,” he said, shaking her hand. His was huge and warm, and as soon and he touched her, Cora felt safer than she ever had before.

For a second, she looked up into his eyes, and a small shiver went through her.

What’s with this guy?she thought. Why do I feel so good around him?

The other man came over as well.

“This is Hunter, my mate,” Ash said. Even though he sounded casual, Cora could tell that he was testing her, somehow, waiting to see how she reacted to that. Shifters, and particularly their social structures, still weren’t very popular with humans.

“Pleased to meet you,” Hunter said. “I was just over at the station, and Ash was giving me a ride back to my clinic.”

Something about that didn’t quite ring true to Cora, but she let it go.

“What happened?” Ash asked, his hands on his belt, all business.

“Someone threw a rock through the window,” Cora said, leading them to the other side of the car. “Shattered the window.”

“Do you know when?”

“Between eight last night and ten minutes ago,” Cora said.

“And you didn’t hear anything?”

She shook her head. Ash was writing everything down.

He leaned in and examined the rock in her hand without touching it.

“We’re not gonna get fingerprints off of that,” he said. “The surface is way too rough.”

Cora just nodded.

“There’s no reason someone would throw a rock through your window, is there?” Ash asked. “You haven’t even been in Granite Valley long enough to start a feud.”

His eyes sparkled, and, despite herself, Cora laughed.

“I don’t think so,” she said.

Don’t lie to him, she thought.

Ash was already filling out some forms, squinting at the space between the road and her car.

“It might not have been aimed at your car,” Ash said. “Could just be kids throwing rocks because...” He shrugged. “I don’t know, kids are assholes?”

“We sure were,” Hunter joined in. He was leaning against Cora’s car, looking straight off of some album cover. Then he made eye contact with Cora and winked.
