Page 20 of A Bear's Protection

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“Well, I was a hellion,” he said. “Ash was always on the straight and narrow.”

“I’m going to ask around the motel, see if anyone heard or saw anything,” Ash said. “I’ll be back in a bit. He walked toward the lobby, and Cora couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of his ass as he walked away.

It was just so... sculpted, even in polyester police pants.

“I guess he hasn’t changed all that much,” Hunter mused. Also watching Ash walk away.

“Have you two been together a long time?” Cora asked Hunter.

He nodded. “Since high school, actually. We were fifteen. Jailbait.”

“Is that common for, uh,” Cora paused, suddenly tripping over the word. “...People around here?” she finished, lamely.

“For shifters?” Hunter asked, adjusting his stance against her car. He seemed almost amused that she was nervous about saying the word. “Not any more or less than other people.”

He paused.

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“You got a man?”

Cora had to laugh.

“Not exactly,” she said. “I’m the queen of bad second dates.”

“Bad second dates,” Hunter said, raising his eyebrows. “The first one goes okay?”

“For some reason,” she said, shrugging. She didn’t know why she was telling her romantic woes to this wildly sexy shifter in the parking lot of a thoroughly middling hotel, but here she was. “I always seem to get the guys who are capable of acting normal at first, having a conversation, that sort of thing, and then bam. Second date, they’re weirdos.”

“Better the second date than the third, though,” Hunter said. “Sounds like the sooner you find out, the better.”

“I guess,” Cora said. “I’d just as soon meet someone normal.”

Hunter’s lips twitched into a half-grin, and Cora kicked herself.

Did you have to say ‘normal’? she thought. Is that offensive to shifters?

“I don’t think anybody’s normal,” Hunter said. “I’m sure not.”

Cora felt herself blush.

“I didn’t mean, not a shifter,” she said. “I just meant capable of having a conversation.”

This time, he laughed.

“Didn’t even cross my mind,” he said. “But if you need some almost-normal conversation and for someone to show you around town, we could show you a good time.”

Cora’s mouth dropped.

Did he just asked me out? She thought, her mind reeling.

Oh fuck I think he did. Oh fuck I think he asked me out on a date with the two of them. Oh FUCK.

“Is that,” she started, and swallowed, trying to regain her composure. “Sure, when?”

The door to the motel lobby opened and Ash came back out. He definitely had a military bearing, just in the way he held himself and walked. It wasn’t hard to believe that he’d always been on the straight and narrow.
