Page 29 of A Bear's Protection

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“Relax,” Cora said.

She put her hands on his trunk and pulled him closer, until their hips were touching as well.

He went rock-hard instantly, despite trying not to.

When was the last time I couldn’t control myself?He wondered, letting his eyes drift closed. This way he could smell everything. There was her, most of all, her overpowering scent that was half vanilla, half musk with overtones of — Ash sniffed the air again, and there it was — definite overtones of arousal.

His erection stiffened again, pressed firmly against Cora. Now she was moving in a slightly different way, more front-to-back than side to side, and it was all he could do to keep up.

He could also smell Hunter, who always smelled slightly of clean fur, a bit like the disinfectant from the clinic, but mostly like the fresh smell of the forest after a hard rain.

And when their scents mingled, it felt like the top of Ash’s head might just blow off.

“Hey,” said Hunter’s voice. “Earth to Ash.”

Ash opened his eyes, and realized that he was dancing to a completely different beat from everyone else at the bonfire. He tried to adjust, but only made things worse.

Cora laughed.

“Two left feet?” she asked.

Ash just sighed and nodded, taking a step toward the edge of the dance area. Thirty feet away, the fire blazed, casting shifting shadows over all the dancers.

“You guys want another beer?” he asked, jerking his thumb toward one of the many coolers.

“No,” said Cora.

Ash shrugged.

“No, I mean, no you can’t leave and get a beer,” she said. She caught up to him, took both his hands in hers, and led him back.

The song on the boombox changed to something slow and bass-heavy, and a mood change came over everyone dancing.

A moment ago, they’d been having fun, but the new song dripped like honey through the speakers and everyone on the dance floor got closer to each other, couples and triads closing the space between them.

Despite the cool night, Ash started to sweat.

“It’s not hard,” Cora said.

She stepped up to him again and put his hands on her hips, already swaying in time with the music, slow and sensual.

“Just follow my lead,” she said, letting one arm curl around his neck. “Left, right, left...”

With each instruction she moved her hips to that side and Ash followed her with his hands. He felt overwhelmed with the nearness of this beautiful firecracker who’d just rushed into his life.

“Focus,” she said, reprimanding him when he missed the beat again. “Move your feet a little. Loosen up.”

She pressed herself against him again, one arm around his neck, the other slowly making its way up his arm. Cora bit her lip and followed the progress of her hand with her eyes. Beyond her, he could see Hunter, standing at the edge of the dance area, watching the two of them.

The hunger was obvious in his mate’s eyes — almost as obvious his erection.

“Oh, Ash,” said Cora’s voice, somewhere around his chest. “Pay attention!”

He realized he’d gotten off the beat again, and Ash growled. He didn’t even want to be dancing right now — he wanted to grab Cora and Hunter and drag them off into the woods.

“I told you I’m no good at this,” he said, his voice low and rumbly.

Cora pushed her hips against his a little harder, and a groan nearly escaped Ash’s lips. He could feel her, even through the layer of their clothing, and he needed her.
