Page 30 of A Bear's Protection

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“You’re not even trying,” she whispered.

“That’s the worst part,” he murmured. “I am.”

“Here,” she said. She grabbed his hips in her hands and anchored them against hers, his aching erection crushed between them. “Left. Right. Left.”

“How’s the lesson going?” asked Hunter’s voice in his ear. The other man’s stubble tickled his ear, just barely, making a series of sparks run down his back.

“It might go better if you helped,” Ash said.

Instantly, he could feel Hunter’s erection pressed against his back, in perfect time with the motion of Cora’s hips in front of him. Hunter’s hands stole past him and over his own hands, firmly anchored on Cora’s hips, and Hunter interlaced their hands together, both of them touching Cora.

Between the beer, the fire, and the dancing, Ash was starting to feel a little lightheaded, and he shook his head the tiniest bit, struggling to stay in control.

“You’re doing better,” Cora said, in front of him. A teasing smile was still tugging at her full lips, curving them up at the corners.

“I’ve got a good teacher,” he said.

He leaned down, utterly unable to resist the short, fiery human in front of him.

You probably shouldn’t do this, he thought. Yesterday she’d never dated a shifter before, and now she’s dirty dancing with two of them.

She didn’t look overwhelmed, though. She looked perfectly as home, like a natural, dancing to the boombox in the woods.

She looked incredibly sexy.

Ash couldn’t hold himself back and longer.

In one motion, he pressed his lips to hers, hard, finally feeling her soft, plump mouth on his.

She kissed him back instantly, opening her lips below his, running her delicate tongue along his bottom lip, at the same time grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into her, pressing their bodies together even harder.

Ash had to force himself to go slow. His bear was growling at him to yank her top off, push her skirt up around her waist and mate her hard, right here, but he resisted.

Instead, he ran his tongue along her lips. Cora moaned, just slightly, and Ash pushed his tongue inside her mouth, finding hers, tangling them together as his hands wrapped around her back, nearly lifting her off the ground.

Then Hunter wasn’t behind Ash anymore. He was in front of him, on the other side of Cora, her jaw in his big, thick hand, and Ash watched as his mates kissed.

It was hotter than anything he’d ever imagined.

Cora was still in his arms, and he could feel her heartbeat speed up as Hunter’s mouth worked against hers, the rumble coming from his chest that told Ash they were having the same struggle.

Cora’s head turned to one side as she kissed Hunter, and Ash bent down and applied his lips to the smooth, pale expanse, licking and sucking along her jawline, listening to the tiny noises she made in her throat.

She had one hand on Ash and one on Hunter, pressed between the two men.

When she and Hunter parted, her eyes were half-closed, heavy with lust, and Ash could smell her arousal, hanging heavy in the air.

His bear growled and clawed at him from the inside, roaring to be let out.

He took Hunter’s jeans by the waistband, his fingers sliding just inside, and pulled the other man to him. Where the backs of his fingers touched Hunter’s hips they nearly burned with heat and desire, and Ash kissed his mate roughly, seeking out the other man’s tongue with his own, biting his lip hard.

Hunter growled, and the scent of Cora’s arousal that hung in the air intensified. He nearly wanted to tear his own skin off — he’d never felt more turned on, more electric than he did at just that moment.

He ended the kiss with Hunter and leaned their foreheads together, looking down at Cora. Her eyes shone in the firelight, her mouth partly open.

Then she bit her lip and blushed, looking down for a moment. Ash reached down and took her chin gently in his hand, tilting her face back up.

“Watch all you want,” he said.
