Page 31 of A Bear's Protection

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He kissed Hunter again, feeling like he might nearly crush the other man with the force of his desire. Better him than Cora, though.

Hunter was at least as strong as Ash, and Ash knew exactly what he could take.

Then Cora’s hand was on his neck and on Hunter’s, and Ash broke off the kiss again. Hunter got to Cora first, kissing her ferociously but gently, and ever so slightly, she turned her head toward Ash, inviting him in as Hunter began trailing kisses down her neck to her shoulder, Ash savoring the delicious warmth of her perfect mouth, his hand sliding down her waist to her hips, still moving just in time with the music...

Out of nowhere, the music cut out.

“Hey!” someone yelled.

“Sorry!” someone yelled back.

Ash frowned and came up for air, glaring over at the kid who was running the boombox and now fiddling with something on its back panel. Hunter had one arm around him and one around Cora, the three of them still standing close together, even as the other couples and triads drifted away from where the dance floor had been.

“Let’s head back to the blanket,” Hunter murmured. “There’s brownies. We can have dessert.”

He winked at Cora and Ash, then took Cora by the hand.

Just then, a shifter kid came up to her. He couldn’t have been more than thirteen: pimpled face, hands and feet too big for his body.

When he saw Cora, he seemed to blush over his entire body.

“Are you Cora the human?” he asked, obviously nervous. Ash could smell the sweat on him, and rolled his eyes.

“Yes,” said Cora. Her eyes sparkled with amusement — probably at being called “the human,” Ash guessed.

“This is for you,” he said, handing her an envelope.

“Okay, that’s enough, thank—” Ash started.

Then he stopped.

Cora’s face had gone from a slightly flushed pink to white, her whole body rigid as she stared at the envelope the kid had handed her.

“What is it?” Hunter asked. Ash could sense every muscle in his mate’s body tense up. His own bear growled, ready to strike.

“It’s, uh,” Cora said. Her hands shook as she turned it over, from the front which simply said Cora Leighton in lovely cursive handwriting, to the back. “It’s nothing.”

She pulled out a card, and Ash and Hunter both read it over her shoulder.


Why didn’t you leave a forwarding address? Terribly impolite. It took me almost a whole day to find you, you silly thing.

Don’t worry, I know you didn’t mean anything by it. I forgive you. See you soon!

Very soon!

Love and kisses,


Fear practically rolledoff of Cora in waves, and it was obvious to Ash that no matter how the card sounded, there was something deeply wrong. See you soon was a threat to Cora.

He roared.

Heads turned.

In three steps he’d caught up to the kid who’d given Cora the envelope, over at the dessert table now, piling a plate high with brownies.
