Page 19 of A Bear's Mercy

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“Where did you even get those?” Kade asked, raising his eyebrows.

Daniel looked down.

“I thought they were yours,” he said.

“So you’re just borrowing my stuff again?”

Daniel had the grace to at least try to look sheepish.

“Sorry,” he said.

Kade rolled his eyes and shrugged.

“She made it through,” he said.

“I told you.”

Daniel poured himself a cup of coffee into an ugly mug that looked like the first attempt of a novice potter, brown and lumpy.

“I wish I could just let the wolves get her,” Kade said quietly.

The only sound was Daniel replacing the coffee pot on the machine.

“No, you don’t,” he said.

He walked over to his mate and slid an arm over his waist, resting his chin on the other man’s shoulder, looking out the window with him.

“You’re right,” Kade muttered. He took a sip of his coffee, leaning back against Daniel’s warm body just a little. “But it would be easier.”

“Since when has anything worthwhile been easy?” Daniel asked.

“It would be nice if it happened just once,” Kade said. “Don’t most bears find their third mates by going on, I don’t know, wine tours or speed dating or whatever that website is that I see billboards for all over the place?”

“Shifter Sex Maniacs?”

“Yeah,” Kade said. “Why couldn’t we try that instead of rescuing a federal agent from a wolf pack?”

In response, Daniel kissed the side of his neck, and Kade felt the heat begin to gather in his lower belly. Since they’d brought the girl home, they hadn’t exactly been getting it on — there had been bigger things to worry about.

“It’s more of a hookup site,” Charlie’s voice said from the doorway.

Kade froze, leaning into the counter a little more to hide his half-erection. Daniel’s lips moved away from the side of his neck.

“How are you feeling?” he asked Charlie.

The girl looked wobbly and slightly unfocused, but she was miles better than she’d been the past few days. For one thing, she was awake, and for another, she was on her feet and talking.

“I’ve been better,” she said.

All three of them paused. Kade felt like all the words he could think of had simply dried up.

“Is that coffee?” she finally asked.

Kade nodded.

Daniel moved away, grabbing a mug from a high shelf and pouring her some.

“Kade was just putting pants on,” he said.
