Page 3 of A Bear's Mercy

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He looked at her again, bloody and flopped over his shoulder, as he half-jogged through the forest, and he felt something stir in him, deep down.

I’d fight as many wolves as there were, he realized. I’d fight twenty. Fifty, if it meant saving her.

His head spun, and he adjusted her body on his shoulder. He was only a little more than a mile from the cabin, and he picked up the pace a little more, ignoring the burning in his arms and legs.

* * *

When he finally heard thewolves again, the cabin was nearly in sight, but they were closing in. He could hear their panting and almost see their tongues hanging from their mouths, almost dragging on the ground.

His bear bristled and then reared back on its hind legs, ready to fight anything that came near her.

Don’t be stupid, he thought.

Instead, Kade broke into a run.

He burst into the clearing, the wolves right behind, running as fast as he could for the cabin in the center.

“Daniel!” he shouted.

A wolf snapped at his heel, its teeth just grazing him, and Kade whirled around, ready to face all of them, his mouth opening in a roar even though he was still human.

There were six of them.

Bring it the fuck on, he thought.

Then the door to the cabin slammed open and his mate, Daniel, stood in it, his huge form nearly filling the doorway. He took one glance at Kade, covered in sweat and gasping hard, and the bloody woman slung over his shoulder. Then Daniel faced the wolves.

“Leave,” Daniel told them, his quiet voice brimming with menace.

The wolves looked at each other, tongues lolling, sides heaving.

“You’ve got five more seconds,” Daniel went on. He took a step out of the cabin, and the wolf in front lifted one paw uncertainly.

Kade bared his teeth and growled, still human.

The lead wolf snapped once, then turned and trotted off. The rest followed, and Kade and Daniel stood, watching, until the sounds of wolves running through the forest had faded completely.

At last, Daniel turned to Kade, his dark, serious eyes taking in his mate’s situation.

“What the hell is going on?” he finally asked.

* * *

Minutes later,the woman was face down on their big kitchen table and Kade was unwrapping the shirts and towels from around her, tossing the bloodied cloths aside.

“What do you need?” Daniel asked, softly.

“There’s a first aid kit in the bathroom,” Kade said.

Daniel snorted. “That’s not going to do it,” he said

“We have to do something!”

“I’ll go get it,” Daniel said, disappearing into the next room.

She was still breathing and had a pulse, and those were both good signs, even if both vital signs were weak. As Kade began to pull the clothes she’d been wearing from her wounds, she twitched and moaned a little, but thankfully stayed unconscious.

Kade had to grit his teeth together, ignoring the signs of her pain. He didn’t know why, but this girl’s small, helpless gasps cut him to the core in a way that nothing else had in a long, long time.
