Page 23 of Undeniable

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Whatever his end game is, he’s fucking with the wrong girls.

As soon as Bresin said he was sitting with Ireland in the quad, I sent a message to Mad and Beck, who were nearby. The three of us made our way to campus. After the shit we talked about the night before, they were completely on board with keeping this fucker away from Bresin.

The one thing we always all agree on is her. We may not really like her best friend, but protecting Ireland keeps Bresin happy.

Beckett walks over to stand behind Ireland Martenelli, Bresin’s best friend since high school. The girl may be cock obsessed, but it doesn't matter at the moment. She'll probably throw herself at Beck later, which I can’t wait to laugh at. Right now, though, we’re focused on Dax. I need to find out what he is doing here since, apparently, my warning this morning hasn't done anything to keep him away from what's mine.

I feel Bresin’s fingers tangle in my shirt as she tries to look around me. My eyes narrow at him. “I thought we understood each other.”

He looks between me, Beckett, and Maddox. "You talked. I ignored you. You know, like all little brothers do." His grin spreads across his face. "What, big bro? Afraid your girl will choose the younger, better-looking model?"

"She wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire, dick. I suggest you heed my warning before I make this my problem. Stay the fuck away from her and her best friend. Find some other poor freshman to suck your dick. Last warning. You won't like the consequences if you piss me off."

When he rolls his eyes, I take a step closer, watching him flinch. Interesting. He’s afraid of me.

It will be so much fucking sweeter when I take him down. I don't care if he is blood or not. I'll kill the son of a bitch if he so much as touches what's mine. I all but just pissed on her, claiming her in front of a group of people she goes to school with. Ridge will definitely find out now, but I don't care at the moment. Nothing else matters but protecting her from him.

Mine. She is mine.

"She can't protect herself so she has to call the cavalry in? Pathetic."

Not even Bresin can keep me from moving now. I grab him by the throat and squeeze.

"Jagger," Bresin growls from behind me. When I turn my head, I see Maddox, arm wrapped around her waist, holding her back as she tries like hell to get away from him.

Leaning toward my brother, I whisper in his ear. "If you come near her again, I won't hesitate to show you exactly how far I will go to protect her. I'll kill for her, and no one will ever suspect me. You want something, you come to me."

I squeeze even harder, his face starting to turn a purple color. He tries to fight me off. When I think he's had enough, I drop him to the ground and turn away.

Looking over my shoulder at him, I grin. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I talked to dear old dad. He'd love to meet you." I smirk and walk over to where Maddox is still holding a struggling Bresin. He finally releases her and she launches herself at me.

My arms wrap around her and I pull her with me as I walk away from Dax Bishop and his pussy ass. Taking Bresin's messenger bag from her, I put it on my shoulder and lead her toward the parking lot, the guys and Ireland trailing behind us. "You done for today?" I ask as I finally allow her to walk next to me instead of in front of me.

"Yeah, but I'm starving. Or I was until your pissing match." She narrows her eyes and stares at me when we come to a stop at my Harley. I hand her bag off to Maddox, who puts it in the trunk of his BMW. As he comes back around, he opens his door and stands there, waiting for some instruction from me.

Ireland stands next to Bresin, looking between the two of us with wide eyes.

"We will take you two to lunch. I haven't eaten yet, either.”

She pushes my chest as she grabs Ireland's arm and starts to walk towards Mad's car. I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her back. "You're coming with me," I whisper into her ear.

She squirms out of my grip and flips me off before telling Maddox not to kill her friend with his shitty driving skills. I get on my bike and start the engine, revving it a few times before she finally gets on and wraps her arms around me. Patting her hands, I look over my shoulder at her. "Stop pouting. It isn't a cute look on you."

“Fuck you,” she bites out.

I grin and run my hand up her thigh. “Later.”

She huffs out and pinches my side. “You are impossible sometimes.” I grin wider and take off.

As soon as we hit Bresin's favorite Mexican restaurant, I park my bike and wait until she hops off before I do the same. She's got a grin on her face as she looks up at the building. "Best place ever!" She's fucking giddy about a damn taco. Apparently, I need to do better in the bedroom if she's happier to see a damn Mexican restaurant than my dick.

"My dick is a little hurt that you don't light up like that when you see him," I mutter as I walk up to her and wrap an arm around her neck, pulling her body into mine. She sighs and melts slightly into me as we wait for the rest of them to show up.

"I'll pretend to be that happy if you want. I mean, Little J's good, but he doesn't taste as good as a taco."

"Well, I think I'm glad I don't taste like a damn taco." I laugh. "I could only imagine the gossip if I did.”

She turns and wraps her arms around my waist. Her eyes meet mine. "Did the guys get butthurt you didn't go out the last two nights? You know, considering your reputations and all."
