Page 3 of Not My Vampire

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“Did you have breakfast already?” I asked, savoring the sensation of Adrian’s warmth against my back. Sometimes, I forgot how precious these moments were.

“No,” he replied. “I went to see your father when I got up.”

“Why?” I suddenly tensed up again. “Is something the matter?”

“Why would it be?” he wondered, unexpectedly letting go of me. “You really are on edge this morning.”

“Well… why would you go see him first thing in the morning?” I asked him, hoping that I made sense with my question.

“We are expected in the Moorlands next week, your father and I,” he explained. “I merely wanted to go over some things with him, before I forget them.”

I could tell that the magic of the moment was broken and I had no idea why. Maybe I’d said something wrong?

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, smiling. “I’m still under the impression of that dream from last night it seems. I was just worried.”

He didn’t smile back. “Don’t be. Everything is alright.”

“Of course,” I nodded. “Is Cass awake?”

He didn’t reply immediately. He just stared at me for a moment, then he shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

This made sense. Cass was not fond of waking up early in the morning. Fortunately, she didn’t have to. In so many ways, she was just like my sister. I don’t know if that was because we named our daughter after her, or simply because my sister was watching over her little niece. I loved seeing so much of my sister in her. It was so precious.

“Let’s go wake her up so we can all have breakfast together,” I suggested, turning around, and cupping his face with my hands.

I expected him to pull me into an embrace, as he always did. Initially, Adrian was unable to show much affection physically, but he knew how important it was to me. I loved touching him, caressing him, holding his hand, kissing him. And I wanted to be reciprocated in the same way. I could see that it was difficult for him to do that, because he was always so secretive about his emotions. It didn’t come naturally to him. I decided not to push it.

Then, little by little, and with Cass’s arrival, he started to change. He was hugging us all the time, kissing us, showing affection in ways I never could have imagined.

Now, he was acting just like before. Cold and a little distant. I wondered what could have caused it, but I decided not to make it into a big deal. After all, he and my father were responsible for the entire kingdom. Maybe there was some trouble that I didn’t know about yet? I trusted him not only with my life, but with my heart as well and I knew better than to question his behavior, when he had proven his love to me so many times before.

“You go,” he told me, pulling away, but holding my hand long enough in his to give it a kiss. “I’ll go speak to Winston and then I’ll join you.”

Winston was the guard Adrian trusted the most. That meant there was probably something happening, but I didn’t want to push him into telling me. He would, as he always did, when he felt the time was right.

I smiled, standing on my toes to give him a peck on the nose. He smiled back.

“Stop worrying needlessly,” he reminded me.

“I will,” I promised, like I did so many times. But we both knew that I needed more time for this. “I’ll go see what Cass is up to.”

He just nodded, then turned around and left the room. I listened to the sound of the doors closing, then I exhaled. I still had no idea why I had that sinking feeling that something was wrong. But I knew better than to question it, to make myself feel like I was crazy. I decided to speak to Father a bit later. Maybe he knew more than I did.

My gaze lingered on the blossoming garden for a little while longer. It was a lovely day. Maybe we could spend it outside. Just like my sister, Cass loved being outside, among the flowers, soaking up the sun. It would do us both some good, and maybe Adrian could join us as well.

Feeling rejuvenated by this idea, I headed out into the hallway and towards my daughter’s room.

Chapter Three


Everything was still a haze, when I suddenly realized that I was still in the hallway. It wasn’t dark any longer, but the hallway was dimly lit, with heavy, plush curtains refusing to allow much of the morning sun inside. My thoughts were drifting like wandering ghosts, when I saw Lilith approaching me.

Her eyes widened upon seeing me. Bathed in the soft light filtering through the arched window, her beauty was like a beacon in the darkness. A rush of concern washed over me as I saw the distress in her eyes.

I reached out to her and took her by the hand, pulling her close to me. I cupped her chin with my fingers, lifting her face up, so our eyes locked.

