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“Exactly. That’s exactly my point. My father ruled out of fear and intimidation tactics. I think that’s why there’s this so-called army coming after my brothers and me.”

“It’s sad, isn’t it? How people would rather support someone chaotic at the top of the pyramid versus one who rules with more peace.” It makes me think about the situation going on with my Great-Uncle Alejandro and my father.

“I think it is, yeah. Regardless, we’ll handle the situation like always.”

“I’m certain of it. Now, who is this Kirill?” I hadn’t heard anything about this man before Ruslan mentioned him.

“Kirill worked for my family for a long time. He did what Goran, Danill, and Ludvik do. He offered security, protected us from threats, and looked out for our general well-being. Long story short, he betrayed my family. He went against us, and he paid with his life. Before we took his life, he told us that someone had his daughter, and I promised him I’d find her. I haven’t found the child yet, but I do have feelers out there looking for her. I’m waiting for some sort of news, but from what Ruslan said earlier, I think it’s time I check in with my contacts and see if anyone has found anything.”

“That would be good. Mind if I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why did you promise you’d find her?” These are the moments where I really begin to understand more about Eset and what makes her tick. It’s where I see her character and her incredible heart.

She sighs heavily and leans back in her seat. “Looking back, I saw the desperation in his eyes. It was at that time I knew he wasn’t lying. He was terrified for his daughter, and I knew that he knew when he drew his last breath, she would be forgotten. I didn’t want to be the person who knew about her and didn’t try to find her. I wanted to make a difference.”

“You’re speaking in the past tense. You can still make a difference in her life, Eset. You just need to find her first. Do you have any plans for what you’re going to do once you find her? Do you know her name?”

“Her name is Meryem, and I never thought of it like that. I think maybe I’m just losing a little bit of hope since it’s been so long. I feel like I should’ve gotten some sort of lead.”

“Don’t lose hope. Sometimes that’s the only thing we have left.”

“Look at you being all philosophical and shit.” Eset laughs.

I shrug. “From time to time, I do like to seem heartfelt and like I might have a conscience.”

“Oh, shut up, you have a conscience.” Eset giggles and shoves my arm.

“Okay, fine, maybe I do.” There’s a brief moment where all Eset and I are doing is staring at one another. “I really enjoyed the way we connected last night.”

“I did, too, and you made me feel really comfortable with it. Um, if I’m being honest, I don’t think I ever thought we’d have any sort of sexual connection on our wedding night. I didn’t even think I’d really like you as a person, but I find myself enjoying being around you. You really proved yourself to me when that guy shot at me. It proved you’d be a great husband, and in some sense, you gave an actual crap about me.”

“I care about your well-being, and I think we’re forming some sort of friendship on some level. I’d like to hope we can form something else if you’re open to it. I think the whole premise of our relationship was an arranged marriage, but I can see myself falling for you one day, Eset, and I’m really putting my heart on the line right now by telling you that.” I’ve debated if I was ever going to say something like this to her, but I’m glad I said it. I’m glad she knows where my head is, and she doesn’t have to guess anymore.

As the moments pass between us, I wonder if I said too much, but as Eset smiles, my worries are eased. “I feel the same. I can see myself falling for you one day too. It’ll take some time, but I think we have a good thing started.”

“So do I.”

“So, your father really doesn’t think you have anything to do with Lu?”

I shake my head. “No, he hasn’t given me any indication that he feels like we’re associated with her death. I think he believes it’s Alejandro, honestly.”

“Hmm, that could buy us some time to sort out our other issues,” Eset says as she places her hand on her chin.

I start up the car and head out of the parking garage. After we pull out onto the street, Eset and I head a few blocks away and then stop at a vintage café Eset said she’d like to go to. It’s a cute little place, and Eset’s smile spreads to her eyes. You know when you can tell someone is super happy? That’s how I can tell Eset is right now.

We get some coffee, have a couple of sweets, and then take a walk around London. We end up doing some shopping, and then we head back to the Dorchester. Finally, we get back up to the penthouse suite that Eset has for the next few days, and Goran is on the outside of the door, at his usual posting.

Eset goes right up to him, and I notice a slight smirk dragging across his face. The more I spend time with this dude, the more I don’t like him. I don’t know what it is about him, but I just can’t tolerate his behavior. Deep down, I know there’s something he feels toward my wife.

“Goran, I need you to reach out to our connections and see if there’s any word on Meryem’s whereabouts? It’s been ages, and I’m growing a bit anxious. We should’ve been able to find her by now. In fact, it’s been far too long.”

“Yes, Miss Eset,” Goran states but looks right at me. The bastard knows exactly what he’s fucking doing.

“Perfect.” Eset opens the door, and I walk in behind her.

“I can’t stand him,” I grit out as the door shuts behind us, and Eset chuckles lightly.
