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Not only is there all this drama going on with Santos’ father and my mother, but I still have my allies hunting for Kirill’s daughter. There’s so much going on, but I’m certain in no time, everything will settle down.

“So, how do you want to handle this all?” I look to my eldest brother, knowing he’s the one who calls the shots.

“I want to know for certain who ordered the hit on you. Sure, we know what this man told us, but can we ever trust anything that comes out of someone’s mouth when they know they’re going to die whether they speak or not?” Ruslan questions, and we shake our heads. “Exactly. He could’ve been baiting us the entire time. Now, I do think there is some element of truth to it all. Though, I’m not certain how truthful he was being. Eset, the cancer bit about our mother, what’s with that?”

I lick my lips because I haven’t told my brothers about it yet. I didn’t want to bother them with such nonsense, especially because we know how our mother is. She’s a conniving liar who will do anything to get her way. “She called me up a couple of weeks ago and told me about her supposed diagnosis. She gave me some crap about how I’m her baby girl, and she needs me, but I felt deep in my gut like something else was going on. I told her what she did to me, to you guys, and to my art studio was horrible, and she gave me a bullshit excuse about her being angry. She wanted me to think about being there for her, and I said I’d think about it, but I wasn’t giving it another thought. Even if she is sick, which now none of us know, she doesn’t deserve any of us to be by her side. Not after everything she’s done to us.” I look around at my brothers, and they end up nodding, agreeing with what I’ve said.

“She’s our mother, but not one of us can trust her,” Nazyr speaks up, and he isn’t wrong.

Growing up, I felt like she cared about us in some sort of way, but now that I’m older, I don’t know if I believe it. I don’t know if she ever gave a damn about us. Sometimes, all I think we were to her was a way to continue on. If she gave Lom and Ruslan’s father two children, she’d be taken care of. She probably thought the same thing when it came to me and Nazyr.

“I’m going to have Danill get some of our men to watch her. I want to know everything she’s doing. I want to know who she’s speaking to, who’s going to her house, and where she’s going. I want to know every little detail about her day,” Ruslan adds.

“See if he can get someone to put some bugs in her house. If we can hear what she’s discussing, we might be in a better position,” Lom suggests.

“That’s a good idea. I’ll mention it to him. In the meantime, I’m going to reach out to our closest allies. I don’t want them to know about all the troubles we’re dealing with at the moment, but I do want them to know a little bit. I feel like I can trust the Mackenzies the most, maybe even the Romanians. They’d have no reason to be loyal to our mother,” Ruslan continues speaking, and everything he’s saying makes sense.

“Alejandro is on our side. Santos pledging to be his ally has changed things dramatically with how he views us. He knows that my marriage to Santos helped put the fire out with Julio’s claim to the Ramirez throne.” It’s now my turn to speak up, and I know my brothers are taking every word I have to say seriously. I’m making very valid points, and even they can’t deny it.

“I’m going to find out who exactly was behind the assassination attempt on you, Eset. The fact of the matter is that while we know about this new threat and army coming up against us, you’ve turned the tides for Julio, and you’re going to be high on his list.” Ruslan glances over to my husband.

“I’m not going to let anything happen to Eset. If my father even attempts such a thing, I’ll make the decision without even taking a second to think it over.” Santos makes his intentions very clear.

“And what decision would that be?” Nazyr asks.

“Nazyr,” Lom grits out, wanting our brother to calm down, but he’s being overprotective as usual.

“I’d kill my father, Nazyr. Is it better that I say it? Does it make it more believable to you?” Santos cocks a brow, and his tone grows more aggravated by the moment. Hell, my husband’s patience is wearing thin.

“Enough.” Ruslan’s authoritative tone rings out in the room.

“I’m going to have Danill get a team on our mother and bug her house. Lom, I want you to touch base with our allies and find out any information they might know about. Information will be the key to nipping all of these issues in the bud. Nazyr, I want you to keep an eye on Julio. Get a team secured and have them do the same thing. We have threats coming at our family from all angles, and we’re going to get out of this unscathed, but it’s going to take some thought and timing.”

“What about me?” I question Ruslan.

“You need to go on your damn honeymoon. Fuck. I think you deserve a break after everything you’ve done these last few weeks.” Ruslan might think I want a break, but I’m finally being seen for what I am, for the worth I have. My father never let me do anything. I was only a bargaining chip to him, whereas my brother lets me handle things in the family business.

“Ruslan, I have plenty of time for a honeymoon. Is there anything I can handle in the meantime? Any deals? Anything?” I need something to keep me busy.

“No, I can handle my workload. I know you’ve been working on locating Kirill’s daughter. Do you have any updates on where she could be located?” Kirill worked for my family and went against us, and he stated that he betrayed us because my father had his daughter somewhere. I understand that a father will do almost anything to protect their child, but I’ve been unable to locate the daughter thus far.

“I’m still working on it,” I explain. I wish there were better updates, but I don’t have any. I know I’m going to find something at some point, and what better timing than right now? It would take so much off my plate.

I have to hold out hope that I can find her. In fact, I think I’ll speak to Goran about it when we get back to the hotel. He might have news for me, or maybe he’ll be able to find something out.

Chapter Nineteen


I don’t think my anger has ceased since the assassination attempt on Eset. I’ve tried to keep everything at bay, but I’m growing quite attached to the woman. I wouldn’t say I love her by any means, but I see that it could be very possible for me to fall in love with her. With the way we connected last night, I think Eset sees there’s a good possibility we’re going to be a good match. I think she might even see that we complement each other well. If she doesn’t, I don’t know how because we’re pretty awesome in my eyes.

“Holy fuck,” Eset says as we get into the car I’ve rented while here in London.

“Holy fuck sounds about right,” I comment, and she turns to look at me, cocking a brow in the process. “Is there always this much shit going on with your family?”

Eset laughs at that. “Since we took power back from my father, yes. There are many people who are allies to the Umarovas, but my father manipulated so many. I think those original people misinterpreted my father’s so-called power versus who should’ve had it in the first place.”

“They were used to one person ruling for so long that they forgot he shouldn’t have had it.”
