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“You lied to me?” No shit, Sherlock. He’s been lying to me for some time, from the looks of things.

“Yes, I did. I told you I killed Meryem, but I didn’t. I wouldn’t hurt something that I knew was so important to you, so I had my colleagues come in and check on her while I was working for you. She’s here in this very same cottage. I don’t know why I told you she was dead. Maybe I wanted to see if it would get a rise out of you, to see if you would turn on me… but I have a better idea. I do want to know your thoughts before I tell you more.” Goran ends up taking a seat on the other end of the mattress pad and stares at me in an adoring manner.

It makes me physically nauseous that I had someone guarding me who is this insane, but I have to push those feelings back. I’m a survivor, and I’m going to get out of this situation if I stay strong and focused. Actually, I’m not solely going to get myself out of this situation. I’m going to get Meryem out of it, too, because I promised Kirill I would find her and keep her safe.

“Why would I ever lash out about something I could no longer control? It would be foolish of me, causing me unnecessary stress and anger. Was I happy about what you told me? No, I was furious, but I wasn’t going to show you any of that. You already knew you fucked up. Of that, I’m sure of.”

“Yes, Miss Eset, I knew I did, but it was fun for a moment to make you think the very thing you came looking for was lost.”

I cock a brow. “Do you enjoy playing games with me, Goran?”

He takes a moment and then shakes his head. “No, I do not. I wasn’t playing games. I was—”

“You were only playing games, Goran. Don’t be foolish, and don’t be dumb. You telling me Meryem was dead in the first place was an elaborate lie where you only sought to harm me emotionally. I’m not an idiot. I know exactly what you were fucking doing.” At this point, I can’t hold back the anger coursing through me, and Goran’s eyes widen with excitement with every heat-filled word I spew at him.

God, he’s enjoying this.

“She isn’t dead. She’s here, in another room like you’re in.”

“Speaking of that.” I pause and look around the small, cramped space. “This isn’t what I’m used to. It’s below me, honestly. We need to discuss a better-suited arrangement in the long term because, from what was stated, I’m naturally assuming we’re going to be here for quite a while. Am I correct in assuming that?”

Goran looks down at my plate. “Eat more food, Miss Eset, then I will let you know more of what you want.”

He’s trying to alter the power dynamic between us, but he doesn’t know I hold the power. It might not seem like it, but from the way we’ve been conversing, I know I have it within my grasp. “I’m going to eat, but it’s only because I’m hungry, not because you’ve told me to,” I state clearly, wanting him to understand he isn’t in control here.

I pick up a piece of toast and bite into it. There must be a small bit of butter or margarine spread across the bread because it has this light, sweet taste to it.

“This cottage is mine, so we will stay here for as long as we need to. I’ve been thinking things over, and I have a great idea of what we can do in the long run. You know about the ploy against your family, and you know that there are powerful people who want to see your mother in charge. I know who those people are, and after they believe they’ve won—I will take them out one by one until your mother is left scrambling, fearing for her life every day.”

“What will you do, then?” I ask the million-dollar question.

“Then we will get you in the seat where you belong. As someone with Umarova blood in their veins, it’s only your right to be there. Your mother has no place, but others don’t believe that. Others think she is who should be in charge, but it’s only because of her loyalty to Anzor. My plan with you is to deceive anyone who might question you after the fact. Most will be dead, but I’m sure a couple of people will pop up from out of the woodwork and ask the same question. At which point, we’ll tell them you were always loyal to your father and how you were a double agent.”

I’m sorry… did Goran just insinuate I have Umarova blood inside me? “Goran, I’m missing something here.”

“What would that be, Miss Eset?”

“You said I have Umarova blood inside me. How could that be possible?” There’s no way it makes any sense to me. Ruslan and Lom’s father died before I was born, and to my knowledge, my father wasn’t related to him in any sort of way. Goran must be crazier than I thought.

Goran swallows hard and looks down at my plate. I take another bite, and then he begins speaking again. “My father guarded your mother for many, many years. He was always by her side wherever she went. He told me that your mother created embryos with Ruslan and Lom’s father, Khaso, at a fertility clinic in Paris. She told me that when she was first seeing Anzor, she would have to go to the clinic once every six weeks or so. Eventually, my father confessed that the embryos she was implanted with were from Khaso Umarova. So, you and Nazyr aren’t technically children of Anzor, but we don’t need to reveal that until the time comes.

“I think she thought Anzor would protect her if he believed you were his children, but Anzor thought he could never have children. Your mother tricked him, and she did it with great success at that. There wasn’t ever a doubt in his mind that you weren’t his. Hell, when I take a good look at you, all I see is Mr. Umarova. You look so much like him, the same way Ruslan does.”

My entire life, I’ve been lied to… again.

“How certain of this information are you, Goran?” If there’s even the slightest possibility he could be wrong, I need to know.

“One hundred percent. My father was your mother’s most trusted guard up until his death. He was the one she would call to go to certain locations because he kept her secrets better than anyone else. He only told me in his dying moments so I would know how to help your family continue on. My father was always loyal to the Umarovas, not Anzor.”

“And who are you loyal to, Goran?” This man has changed his loyalties so much in the last day that I don’t know how to keep track anymore.

“I’m loyal to you, Miss Eset. I only want to ensure you stay alive and live a long, happy life. I thought that Meryem could be our daughter if you’d be willing. You promised Kirill you’d care for her, and what better way to do that than to adopt her as ours?”

Ours. He keeps saying ours.

“And what do you want from me, Goran?” By the way he cranes his neck, he knows exactly what I’m asking from him.

“I want to be your husband, Miss Eset, but first, I’ll have to deal with the fraud you were forced to marry. Then we can be together. Then we can finally be what we were always meant to be. Now, finish your food. I’ll be back in a few minutes after I tend to Meryem, and then we can discuss getting you out of this room. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with your thoughts.”
