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Chapter Twenty-Four


We spent a very long, amazing weekend in Barcelona with Yara, my sister, sisters-in-law, and my boyfriend. At the end of the weekend, I thought we’d all go our separate ways and head back to our normal lives. Or maybe as normal as they can be. I was wrong since I assumed that Ambros would have a job or two lined up that would call him away. Only he didn’t. While Eset, Amelia, and Emily went back to Grozny, Ambros asked me to come with him to a city in Greece that I’d never been to before.

He invited me to go to Corfu. I’d never even heard of it until he asked me if I wanted to go. Corfu is an island located off the northwest coast and looks over the Ionian Sea. Ambros told me that the beaches there were much better than on Mykonos, but I didn’t believe him until I set my eyes on them firsthand.

The beaches aren’t overpopulated like in Mykonos, which is a popular tourist destination. In Corfu, there is a tourism market, but it’s not quite as popular as Mykonos, and I’m glad about that. I’m lying on a towel on the beach, and Ambros is beside me, lying and soaking up the sun as well. There’s a slight breeze, and the scent of sea salt wafts through the air.

“I hope you’re having a good time here,” Ambros states.

I turn over slightly and look right at him. “I’m having the best time here with you. Thanks for inviting me here. It’s… it’s so beautiful.”

Ambros smiles slightly. It’s that sweet, sexy smile that tugs right at the corner of his lips ever so slightly. “I figured you might want some time alone and with me after being with the girls all weekend. You all partied a little hard for your birthday, and being in Corfu is about resting and relaxing.”

See, this is exactly why I know Ambros is the right man for me. He’s so kind and goes above and beyond to make sure I’m taken care of. All weekend was about me, and he was more concerned that I didn’t get enough rest, so he asked me to go somewhere else with him.

“Do you think I’m exhausted, or are you just trying to spoil me?” I have to play with him a little bit.

He chuckles lightly and licks his lips. “It might be a little bit of both.”

“That’s what I thought.” I smile back and grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.

We’re having such a blissful, romantic moment when my phone starts ringing. It’s sitting in my purse, which is on the sand beside me. I think about ignoring it, but deep down, I feel like I shouldn’t. You never know when someone is going to call about something important.

I grab my phone and notice Yara’s name, so of course, I have to answer. “Hey.”

“Hey there! I’m so sorry. I’m not trying to ruin your time with Ambros, but… something came in the mail for you.”

“Okay, is it important or something?” I don’t know why Yara would call me about it, so I wonder what it is.

“I think it might be. It’s from École Lenôtre.”

“Oh, my God. Open it up right now, please.” My heart pounds inside my chest. It’s been a while since I applied to join their school for next year, and I’m praying I got in. In the back of my mind, I’ve been anxiously awaiting the results to find out if I’ve been accepted into their program.

“Okay,” Yara comments, and I can hear the ripping of paper in the background.

For a long time, I haven’t really known what I wanted to do, but I do want to do this. I want to create food that people will love and want around the world. Ever since I applied to pastry school, I’ve given a lot of thought to how I want to run my business when I’m finished. I’m going to pastry school, and then I will open my own bakery in the heart of Grozny. From there, I’ll expand to other cities across Europe and maybe even the world.

I want my first two bakeries to be in Grozny and Mykonos because I don’t see myself leaving Ambros. I don’t see the two of us ever being separated because of how deeply we care for each other.

“Ms. Beno-Umarova, we here at École Lenôtre are pleased to accept you into the fall semester. There is much more information to come, so please watch your emails for other news and announcements.”

“Wow. I… I can’t freaking believe it!” I’m so ecstatic right now and can’t stop smiling.

“What happened?” Ambros asks.

“I was accepted into the pastry school I applied to! They’re taking me in for next semester.” I can’t fucking believe this. It feels like my entire life is changing in the best way possible. Finding out I was an Umarova was terrifying. I’ll always admit that. It was scarier than anything else, knowing that my entire life was a complete lie. Still, I threw myself into the thick of it and decided I would learn more about my family. I decided I was going to be with these people and try to understand where I came from.

Doing so has been the best decision I’ve ever made. Not just because I’ve been in a good financial position but because I’ve created relationships and bonds with my siblings and their partners that will never be broken.

“That’s awesome, Xava. I’m so happy for you.” Ambros smiles, and there’s a glimmer in his eye. A glimmer that makes me feel like he’s proud of me, too, and I really love that.

“I’m not going to keep you, but have fun with Ambros. I’m so freaking happy for you, Xava! We can talk about all the logistics when you get back to Grozny, but you obviously know I’ll be going to Paris with you while you’re taking classes. Have fun, and we’ll chat later.”

Yara and I say our goodbyes, and as I hang up the phone, I’m all smiles.

“You know what this calls for, right?” Ambros questions me.
