Page 5 of Shattered Wings

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“Naming names isn’t going to help anyone, Carter.” Anita takes a few steps back and runs her hands through her hair. “You and I both know that. You need to get your head out of your ass and show them all why they made the right decision in choosing you.”

I press my lips together and say nothing.

As usual, Anita has my back, and I know she means well. But when the elevator starts back up again, and we’re both knocked sideways, I can’t help but feel like my aunt is wrong. Having spent most of my adult life expanding the Blackthorne empire, I know firsthand how important it is to maintain an iron-clad grip.

But for the first time in my life, the thought of being replaced doesn’t make me angry. Or even concerned. Not when I have bigger things to worry about.

Like the love of my life fighting for her life and that of our child on an operating table.

Once the doors ping open, Anita steps out first and twists to face me. “Has there been any news about the baby?”

My chest tightens at her words. “None.”

Anita’s expression falls, and she hangs her head. “They’ll both be okay. Isabella is a fighter.”

Without waiting for a response, my aunt walks away, and I let her. When I step off the elevator, I lean against the nearest wall and squeeze my eyes shut. I hear people rushing past me in both directions, the rise and fall of conversation doing nothing to lull my senses. Paul comes to find me, limping slightly, and a quick look passes between us.

I offer him a grim smile, and he nods.

In silence, I follow him down the hall, past rows and rows of rooms on either side of me. On the bottom floor, he looks over at Anita, who is sitting on an uncomfortable-looking metal chair with her legs stretched out in front of her. People are sitting on either side of her, but it’s no one I recognize. With the war still going on, I know the rest of the Blackthornes are covering for me.

For us.

Too many people are in this hospital already, but I don’t give a shit.

Chapter Two


A day later, I’m pacing in the cafeteria when Paul finds me. He leads me down a dimly lit hallway and stops in front of a door. He knocks, and when the door creaks open, I’m relieved to find Tristan sitting up, looking haggard and sunken and more than a little perturbed. He sits up straighter when he sees us and adjusts the covers around his legs. When he shifts, I catch the wince on his face, and it sends another wave of regret through me.

In spite of our differences, I hate seeing Tristan like this.

He’s been my right-hand man for as long as I can remember, and in the past few months alone, he’s had to fight for his life more times than I’d care to admit. Through it all, he’s been a willing and loyal ally, refusing to leave my side even when he disagreed.

“Wipe that look off your face,” Tristan says, with a lift of his chin. “I’m going to be fine.”

I clear my throat. “You sure as shit are.”

“We’re not the sentimental type,” Tristan adds with a pointed look. He glances between Paul and me, his gaze eventually switching back to mine. “What the fuck are you two doing here anyway? Don’t you have a war to win?”

Paul pulls a chair out, and I kick the door shut behind me. “It’s being handled. Don’t worry about it.”

Tristan raises an eyebrow. “So, you go through all of that trouble to fake a shooting, and you’re not even going to see it through?”

I frown. “Don’t make me come over there and kick your ass.”

Stab wound or otherwise, I won’t hesitate to put Tristan in his place. He and I both know it.

Tristan leans back against the bed, more of the color returning to his face. “You should. I don’t know how he got past the security system or how he figured out where we were. Fuck, Carter. If anything happens to Isabella—”

I hold a hand up. “She’s in the hospital.”

Tristan pales, a flicker of fear moving over his face. “What the fuck did that prick do?”

I shrug. “He wasn’t in the car with her. I checked with the police officers, but they said Isabella was the only person in the car. The rat is probably hiding somewhere.”

Tristan’s brows furrow together. “That doesn’t make any sense. I saw her leave with him. She didn’t even want to leave me, but he told her that he called for help and that staying with me would slow them down. Why wouldn’t he try to force Isabella to go into hiding with him?”
