Page 71 of Shattered Wings

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“Fuck you.” I bare my teeth at Daniel, the urge to put his face through a wall growing stronger and stronger. “You don’t know me.”

“I know enough. I’ve seen enough, and I knew your dad.”

I take another long sip of my drink, chasing oblivion as it drifts further and further away. “What the hell are you even doing here? It’s fucking pathetic how you keep sniffing around us like some kind of dog.”

Daniel’s eyes flash, but the rest of his features remain composed. “You need me, Carter. You’re not ready to admit that yet, but I know if I stick around long enough, you’ll be able to see it. All you need is to reconsider my offer.”

I press my lips together and give him another dirty look. Who the hell does he think he is anyway?

He can’t just show up here and act like he is owed anything.

I curl my hands into fists, and I give him a grim smile as I picture how it’ll feel to punch him. The door to the terrace slides open, and Anita steps out, shooting me a knowing look. With a growl, I unclench my hands and press two fingers to my temples.

Anita deserves better than watching me pummel her little brother. Even if he does deserve it.

“You’ll still be part of this family,” Daniel says as soon as Anita leaves. “You’ll still have our protection, but you won’t be involved in the day-to-day business. It’s the perfect setup for you, Carter, and you know it.”

“Even if I was considering it, which I’m not, the treaty has to go into effect first, or else you’re inheriting a fucking time bomb.”

Daniel’s eyes are glittering now, the barest hint of a smile on his face. “We can discuss the terms of a handover when you’re ready.”

I run a hand over my face. “You’re lucky I love Anita, or I’d have put your fucking face through the wall.”

The smile on his face is stronger now. “I’m aware of that, Carter.”

Chapter Fifteen


I groan when Sam throws the curtains open, allowing bright sunlight to flood the room. “What are you doing?”

She spins around to face me and places both hands on her hips. “You need to get out of bed.”

I pull the covers up over my head and let my head rest against the pillow. “I don’t want to.”

Sam yanks the covers off, and I shiver at the exposure. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Helping you.” Sam grunts as she lets the covers fall to the floor. “Come on. You need to shower and change. We’re going out.”

I sit up and rub my hands over my eyes. “Why?”

“Because it’s been three weeks, Isabella,” Sam replies with a frown. “You can’t keep living like this.”

I stop rubbing my eyes and give her an annoyed look. “I can if I want to.”

Sam leans over me and gives me a pointed look. “Really? So, this is how you’re going to spend your days? Wallowing in bed and wasting away till you’re practically skin and bones?”

“I eat,” I responded, pausing to drape an arm over my stomach. “I’m not endangering my baby.”

“You’re eating just enough, and you and I both know it.”

I fold both hands over my chest. “So?”

Sam makes a low noise in the back of her throat. “So, this isn’t right. You have to do more.”

I throw myself back against the mattress and stare up at the ceiling. “I’m already doing everything I can.”

Considering the amount of effort it takes for me to get out of bed in the morning, Sam should be thankful. It takes every ounce of energy and self-control I have just to make it to the living room to allow Anita and Sam to fuss over me for a couple of hours. Over the past few weeks, they’ve done everything they can to coax me out of my shell, but very little has worked.
