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“What was your guess, Charles?” I ask.

“That my son was already in love with you. I knew it wouldn’t take him long. He isn’t a stupid man, and he goes after what he wants.”

My breath catches in my throat at his use of the word love. My head spins with how sure the older man sounds.

SJ pulls me in closer to his chest and leans down to whisper in my ear. “Breathe, cupcake.”

Is it possible that SJ loves me? Isn’t it too soon?

SJ has his arm wrapped around my waist, and he drops his hand to my leg. The spread of his fingers takes up a majority of my thigh. I feel cocooned in his arms, safe and protected. I look down and thread my fingers through his, loving the way his hand swallows up mine.

He curls his arm into my stomach as he pulls me in as tight as I can go. It feels incredible to be wrapped up in his arms, surrounded by his warmth.

“Even though I think you guys are completely ridiculous, what did you win, Dad?” SJ asks. He knows I’m more curious than anything, so I have no doubt he asked for me.

Charles takes a seat in the main recliner in the cozy living room. The warn leather tells me he sits in the chair often. “Just bragging rights, I guess, and getting to see my son finally happy.”

I stiffen.

“SJ was happy before,” I say in his defense.

I’ve never thought of him as an unhappy person. He’s always been upbeat, with a playful smirk on his face. Serious is a word I’d use to describe him more, and I’m sad his father thought he wasn’t happy just because he didn’t have someone in his life.

He rubs small circles on my inner thigh. The soft touch is soothing and intoxicating. “He doesn’t mean I’ve been unhappy, cupcake.”

I turn toward him, our faces only inches apart. His shallow, comfortable breaths hit my cheek every time he exhales. “What does he mean, then?”

Before SJ can answer, Charles speaks up. “I mean happiness is different when you have your person; youcompletehim.”

I complete him?

When I turn to look at SJ, his smirk says Charles is right. He feels complete with me. My heart swells at the thought of having such a profound impact on an already amazing man.

Sam excitedly says, “And I get a sister!”

I giggle. Her enthusiasm is contagious.

I feel SJ’s energy change, and it seems Camilla feels it, too. She leans forward, her face serious. Knowing her son is leaving, and despite SJ’s attempt to be nonchalant, a mother knows when her child is protecting her feelings.

SJ clears his throat. “Nora and I are leaving tomorrow. We’re heading back to New York.”

“What? Why?” Sam reacts first. Her eyes dart between her brother’s and mine.

“Sam.” Camilla says her name softly but gives her a pointed look.

“Wouldn’t Nora be safer here with us?” Charles asks, his tone more accusatory than inquisitive. It makes me wonder if he knows there’s more to the story.

“Will someone please tell me what is going on?” Sam turns in her seat, her arms wide, pleading with any one of us to explain.

“She’ll be safe, Dad,” SJ says simply. He’s confident not only in his plan but in Liam and his ability to keep me safe while SJ is at the theater.

Charles gives SJ a nod. “If there’s anything you need from us…” His words trail off.

I hate the heaviness in the room and the turn this conversation has taken. There’s so much uncertainty ahead of me, ahead of us, over the next several days. Best-case scenario, David Miller will be behind bars, and our lives all go back to normal. Worst-case scenario…

Well, I won’t even let myself think about that.

“We need to go back to New York to lure my stalker out. Him coming here was scary and also unacceptable. We need to end this now before anyone gets hurt.” I look directly at Sam as I speak.
