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Her expression falls as she processes my words. I know how I feel thinking of SJ potentially being in harm’s way, but I can’t imagine those feelings from her point of view. He’s her brother, her only sibling.

“I’ll be fine, Sam, don’t worry.” SJ offers Sam a smile, trying to ease her concern.

She lifts her chin defiantly, seemingly refusing to allow the tears welling in her eyes to fall. “I know you will be. You’re a Johnson.”

“That’s right, not even a psychotic stalker can stop one of us,” Charles adds with pride.

Camilla checks the time. “I better get dinner going, or we won’t be eating tonight.”

“I’ll help, Mom,” Sam offers as she stands from her seat.

SJ pulls out his phone and taps away. I lean back to see what he’s suddenly so intent on doing.

He glances at me. “Flights,” he says simply.

Sam and Camilla have left the room, only SJ, Charles, and I remain. Charles studies SJ silently. I’m unsure at first if I need to let them have a moment alone, but my answer comes when I hear a whispered, “Amen” before he stands.

“I’m going to get cleaned up for dinner.” Charles doesn’t wait for either of us to respond before he turns and walks toward his bedroom on the main floor of the house.

I feel responsible for all the worries lining their faces. I don’t know how to slow the wheels in motion now. I don’t think I can, but I’ll do everything possible to make sure SJ comes back to his family safe.

He pats my leg. “We better get packed. Our flight is before lunch tomorrow.”

I stand and wait for him to stand as well, and we walk together towards his old bedroom to gather our things.

Chapter 36


“It feels odd even being back here,” Nora says as she sits on her living room sofa.

She’s been quiet since dinner last night with my family. Everyone did their best to avoid the topic of David Miller and the coming days. There was no sense in dwelling on the unavoidable.

Mom made small talk about the upcoming holidays. She was sure to make it clear to Nora that she and her family were invited to spend the holidays with our family. Nora seemed excited at the idea of all of us being together. Nothing would make me happier. It makes catching this son of a bitch an even higher priority.

Even on the flight, she said very little. I’m sure her head is swirling with all the what ifs the next few days hold. Although I’ve been in several high stakes situations in my years of being hired security, this one is different.

“It’s your home, cupcake. Everything will be just fine. I spoke with Alex. He’s on board with the plan. He knows exactly what to do, and I was clear on the things he shouldn’t do, too. Liam will be here tomorrow, and this will all be over before we know it.”

I was surprised when I walked into her apartment to see how impersonal it is. It’s bare, except the few pictures here and there. Neutral colors cover the space with sharp lines to accent them. I thought it would be more colorful, softer even, with more pictures and more pieces of her.

Instead, it looks like she barely lives here.

I sit beside her on the cream sofa, turning my body so I face her, and she mirrors my position. I reach over and take her hand, giving it a small squeeze before bringing it to my lips. I kiss her knuckles gently before allowing our hands to rest on my bent leg.

“This place doesn’t feel like home anymore, SJ.” She speaks softly, almost in a whisper.

“It’s been a while since you’ve been here. I’m sure that’s all it is.” I try to reassure her, even though as I take a look around the space, I can see why it doesn’t. Nothing screams her. “You’ll settle in. Give yourself some time.”

Her eyes drop to our hands, and she nods. “Maybe.”

I pull her hand toward my chest. She looks up, meeting my gaze. Without hesitation, she crawls onto my lap and buries her face in my chest.

“You feel like home,” she murmurs against me.

Her words draw the strongest reaction I’ve ever had to a declaration. It’s instant and intense. That all too familiar warmth fills my chest, racing through all four limbs and going straight to my cock. I lean forward to taste her sweet, plump lips. Damn, she tastes like my new favorite meal, my salvation.

Even though it was nice to see my parents last night for a formal goodbye, it was torture lying next to her in bed and being unable to ravish her the way I wanted. We snuggled and kissed, but before it could go too far, I pulled her back to my front and wished her sweet dreams. There’s nothing stopping us now. No parents or little sister to overhear her scream my name in pleasure.
