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Nora hands Gracie to Liam as she walks over to me.

Liam and I exchange a knowing nod.

“I hate this,” she says quietly.

“I know, but it’s almost over,” I tell her as I stand, taking her hand in mine as we walk toward the door.

Standing by the front door, I kiss her hard as I press her body flush against mine. Leaving her now is probably the hardest thing I’ve done, but I have to end this for her, for her future, and for myself. More than anything, I have to end this for us.

Liam’s footsteps leaving the room. If he had questions about my relationship with Nora, they’re answered now. He’s known me long enough to know this isn’t some fling. I’ve never so much as had drinks with a client, and I’ve known him long enough to know he would never stand in the way of my happiness.

I release my grasp on her so I can look her in the eyes. “Everything will be fine, better than fine. By tomorrow, our lives will be free of David Miller,” I assure her.

“How can you be so sure?” Her eyes desperately search mine for an answer.

“I just know, cupcake.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. I’m stalling, not because I’m worried, but because I know she is.

“SJ,” she whispers as she presses herself onto her tiptoes. “Just… Just be careful, okay?”

“Always. I’ll see you in a bit.”

I want so badly to say those three little words. I want her to know that I love her before I leave, but she’s already so worried, telling her now may make her suspect I think something bad will happen. I won’t risk her worrying any more than she already is.

She pulls me into a hug, and we both squeeze each other tightly. As I pull back, I give her another peck on the lips before I open the door and slip out into the hallway. I pause to make sure she locks the door behind me. As soon as I hear the lock click, I start toward the elevator.

There have been no signs of David Miller since we were in Sutter Creek. Alex did a great job of plastering Nora’s return to the stage everywhere. There’s no way David won’t see it with how closely he monitors her. There’s also no way he’ll resist his chance to see her perform.

As soon as the elevator doors open, I step into the lobby. I keep my head on a swivel. Even though I don’t think he’d be bold enough to come to her building, I have to be sure. He caught me off guard in Sutter Creek. He won’t get that chance again.

I make my way outside onto the sidewalk. My SUV is already waiting at the curb. The valet rounds the front before handing me the key. He then holds his hand out to shake mine.

“Right on time,” I say as I press some cash into his hand.

When we arrived yesterday, I requested my vehicle be ready to leave here in time for the performance. He delivered perfectly.

I get in, buckle in, and put the SUV in drive. It isn’t far to the theater, but the traffic is terrible. I thought I left enough time, but looking at the gridlock, I second guess myself. I just have to hope David runs into the same issue wherever he’s coming from.

Chapter 38


It takes thirty minutes longer to get to the theater than I planned for. That means the lights will be dimming soon. I can’t risk missing my chance to find David Miller and drag his ass out of there before the performance starts.

I find a spot as close as I can to the theater and slam the SUV in park. I shoot Alex a quick message.

Me: I’m here. Meet me at the door.

I press send and double check I have everything before getting out. Wallet, keys, phone, gun. I’m wearing a shoulder holster so my suit jacket will completely cover it. Alex will be able to get me around metal detectors and security without any issue.

My phone buzzes.

Alex: I’m at the front door. No sign of the stalker.

Alright, he’s ready. Let’s hope he doesn’t fuck this up for me. I get out and take in my surroundings. Being later than I intended, I’ve missed the crowd and the ability to look over the sea of faces entering the building. I take the steps to the theater doors two at a time.

As I reach the door, it swings open. Alex stands before me, dabbing his face with a cloth. Clearly, he’s no good under pressure.

“Where have you been?” His whisper is stern, but he keeps his voice down, so he doesn’t alarm anyone around us.
